Honestly surprised at how long it took to address this faction imbalance.
After a single raid night it’s ridiculously apparent how large the disparity was.
I’ve gone from spending the whole of SoD never able to cast Innervate on anyone other than myself whilst still running OOM, to finishing fights with 80-90%+ mana to spare.
And horde have had this for 2 phases already, and the first couple of lock outs this phase.
Absolutely crazy. The difference is an unmeasurable magnitude.
We knew Horde were performing better with Shaman being one of the best dps classes, and Shaman tank in P2 being able to play as a dps and beating most other dps classes, but to experience this as well…honestly I’m pretty shocked.
Now that this has been addressed (and I understand it will be getting nerfed in P4 and I agree that is for the best. Current situation is busted) can you look at the F tier dps classes like balance druid, arcane mage, and shadow priest?
It’s absurd how much worse these classes are allowed to be in PvE.
I missed the hot fix in the list about killing Hinterlands Incursions…
Why is my warlock’s Felguard still named, “Felguard”?
can you change his name to Bob or Alfred?
Buff Boomkins again please! Another 10% will put us middle of the pack and we should be fine:)
Absolutely LOVING all the warrior changes!
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What exactly does diminish melee hunters mean? Plz don’t nerf melee hunters again, we’re already starting to loose to warriors and our scaling is so bad we will only fall farther and farther behind as people get more gear!
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Once again, no mention of Warriors anywhere!!!
Change the divinestorm or Martyrdom rune to a different socket will be a great help to pallys.
Can you please buff traps so that 2h melee hunters and some ranged hunters can compete with them? As it stands this is the easiest way to make 2h melee compete, and right now its too far behind.
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devs refusing to nerf or even acknowledge shamans is actually wild, both in PVE and PVP.
having 8 shams all with sham rage up vs like 1 or 2 paladins with seal of martyrdom is not comparable blizz. Horde have infinite mana…
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Stop buffing the base damage.
Buff the scaling.
I would rather it had a base damage of 1 at all levels and the scaling was buffed to compensate. This would also heavily nerf hunter bots efficiency at dungeon aoe farming.
Because as of right now with almost all the power of the ability in base damage, they can just have a bow and ammo and still do the farms at almost the same efficiency as a full bis hunter.
No rogues here talking about the changes cuz they’ve all quit playing already lol
spriest are going rampage on the open world its insane, the solution just transfer to a pve server rofl great job aggrend
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So weird as we had only 1 rogue in the two ten mans that merged to make our 20 man. Now we have 3 rogues as two people switched mains this phase. Cleared pre nerf too.