Please fix the character getting stuck in Argus!
This change above and all others are GREAT, thank you blizz! With the current state of AQ Temple idols/scarabs on some server auction houses, can you maybe increase the rate of idols/scarabs from the previous reals crate boxes (the non wartorn ones). Before, I’d be lucky to get ONE AQ Temple idol from opening 10 of those crates (100 reals), can you maybe have idol AQ Temple idol guaranteed in each of those crates, or at the very least, make the chance much higher? I know of at least four guilds that stopped running AQ Temple since naxx came out, so at least on my server/faction, we have much less idols on the auction house available and very high priced.
Can we also get class weapons added to the Nightmare Grove? Been trying to get Slag on my shaman for weeks now, not seen it drop once.
how about buffing arms warriors instead of leaving them lower than the tanks
Please reconsider capping the seal at rank 8. A lot of players were hoping for at least that last decent jump in power. A lot of casual guilds are still having issues with HM4 even at rank 7.
Please reconsider. The feedback both in this forum, discord servers, and YouTubers have voiced similar opinions on this.
When shaman nerfs that actually feel like nerfs? Remember the part where you nerfed bubble? Yeah everyone still waiting for a shaman nerf that matters.
i can actually agree with 7 as a cap. it can be a struggle to do hm4 if that’s the case and not everyone needs to. by capping power relative to difficulty you preserve some level of execution requirement. HM4 wouldn’t really be a valuable milestone to clear if the power available is too high. Striking this balance can be rough, and will cause problems on one side or the other. Virtually impossible to please all sides tbf
none of this addresses rogue AoE. which if the tier sets for next phase are to be trusted, it will be a heavier AoE raid. most tank tier sets are amplifying their AoE. but rogues baseline is so bad the boosts on the tier become worthless to it.
Baseline rune changes for them and at least the 4pc may have some minor use, albeit 1 extra target on a 2 minute cd is bordering on useless unless it only matters once per fight.
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Well… looks like seal twisting pally is now dead in the water lol back to shockadin so i dont have to deal with constant magical purges while swinging a limp noodle
First part of this change is good. The second part is braindead.
Who approved this and why? No one cares about boartle grounds. Leave world pvp alone! This is the worst change of all time. Why do healers get to be unkillable? “developer notes” : Yeah we have no idea what we are doing and zirene got globald so we gotta nerf damage by another 20% and pat ourselves on the back. Boaring.
Wait a minute, no one is dying in a global now?! People are living for more than two seconds. Crazy …
Of course a shaman is in favor of this change. Doing 0 dam is so much fun. Must be great that healing wasn’t reduced at all and since you can never oom congrats on being the hardest thing in the game to kill. I am so glad that enh, destro lock and fire mage are now fixed thanks to the blanket damage nerf. Great job blizz.
I think you might be seriously underestimating the damage potential of a well geared pally.