Season of Discovery Hotfixes - March 12

for warlock:

  • Haunt will no longer incorrectly increase the impact damage of Shadowflame.
  • Improved Immolate will no longer incorrectly increase the damage from the Warlock T3 Shadowflame hit.

but there were two almost identical description lines? or it meant for something else but a mis-paste overridden the two lines?

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warriors are meme damage outside of 30s fights and this is your answer
 Fixing fresh meat?

So is this saying, if Kaigy doesn’t drop his neck, the other 2 bosses won’t either or do they still have a chance to drop ANY of the 3 necks?

Previously you were able to get multiple of the same neck drop from the apprentice boss and kharon. Asking specifically if this is not a thing anymore.

keyring when

Can confirm this still does not work in PvP

Wow more nerfs for gear sets that already suck. Naxx gear is pointless outside of naxx because of how you fools designed sanctified and nerfed t3 so that it scales with sanctified system
 whats the point of doing naxx beyond normal difficulty? Some mounts? Because its not like the gear we get is worth the effort. With the exceptions of the weapons here, really there is no reason to dedicate time to this raid or its hard modes beyond being a sweaty braggard
 stop catering to the no life sweats, the reason we are here is for fun. Stop nerfing stuff and just let us have fun with it.

Another week goes by of gate kept BWL bis class trinkets that should be moved onto the reel vendor or bought with remnants. Why make these trinkets not replaced in Naxx if they are inaccessible?

Blizzard this is still broken please fix this I’d like to try using this in PvP.

February 27, 2025
Season of Discovery

  • There should no longer be extra enemies near the objectives of The Dark Hoard quest in Blackrock Spire.
  • Hardened Frostguard now has an internal cooldown on the Frost Nova chance on hit, to prevent it from extensively reactivating on the same ability cast.
  • Naxxramas
    • Ignite will no longer incorrectly tick on targets while the player is under the effect of a Mind Control.
    • The health increases from Lifegiving Gem, Rallying Cry, Last Stand, Aegis of Preservation, Vengeance, and Survival Instincts no longer behave incorrectly while under the effects of the Seal of the Dawn.
    • While inside Naxxramas, the 6-piece bonuses for tank warrior, tank warlock, and tank druid will now dynamically update your Last Stand, Vengeance, and Survival Instincts if the new value would be lower and you do not have a debuff that lowers your health active.
  • Rogue
    • The tank T1 6-piece set bonus now provides a 20% damage reduction (was 50%).
    • The animation for Crimson Tempest has been changed to be less chaotic.
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That’s an insane nerf to rogue tanks

Of all the imbalances in classes right now, Devs prio’d the dreaded OP’d Rogue Tanks
sounds about right.


Just another day in the office Blizzard ignoring all the obvious issues in SoD rightnow and elect to nerf items and classes that haven’t seen much representation and/or were considered niche in specific areas.

Typical disappointment.

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Ok, Kaghoe told me to be more specific. So the rogue tank nerf is insane BECAUSE our biggest strength was being a great single-target boss tank, specifically against physical damage fights.

Shamans and Paladins seem better at aoe threat. Warlocks seem to excel at magic damage boss fights. Rogue tanks seemed to be great at physical damage fights.

I was the one that advocated for Main Gauche for months. It is finally a good rune now. And with the rest of our set bonuses and runes, we felt good. We felt like a viable/special tank. But now our physical mitigation is back to being nothing special.

So my/our disappointment with this nerf is us asking, what makes us special now? The biggest thing we had going as rogue tanks is now gone. Our avoidance/mitigation is nothing special compared to other tanks. On top of that, we have the lowest armor values of any tank.

Kaghoe doesn’t even play rogue tank and he HIMSELF said this nerf probably almost kills rogue tank as a spec. No, it doesn’t kill the spec. But we’re no longer special. We do not excel at anything anymore. We have zero niche areas as a tank in SoD.

Huge disappointment with this nerf.


Not only does sod screw up t3 gear in gen, but decided to nerf tanks into the ground? Wtf is going on around here?

February 28, 2025
Season of Discovery

  • Rogue
    • Blade Flurry no longer receives double % increases.
      • Developers’ notes: This affects Seal of the Dawn and Rogue set bonuses. Now, % increases from hostile Mind Controls like Chains of Kel’thuzad or Prophet Skeram’s Mind Control no longer cause massive amounts of damage from Blade Flurry.
  • Warrior
    • Sweeping Strikes no longer receives double % increases while inside of Naxxramas.
      • Developers’ notes: Due to Warriors having multiple % increases in their kit through Enrage, we did not want to impact their PvP performance with this bugfix, so this only applies to Warriors while inside Naxxramas. This means Seal of the Dawn and Warrior set bonuses are no longer doubled, and % increases from hostile Mind Controls inside of Naxxramas like Chains of Kel’thuzad no longer cause massive amounts of damage from Sweeping Strikes.


one warrior log on 4hm where he hit for 75k max and sweeping strikes is nerfed in less than 24 hours. build pulled 7k less dps than an aff lock putting curse of agony on 4 targets

could y’all have let warriors have fun with a niche build that gives up a 31 point talent for cleave potential for more than 18 hours? we’re still gonna be absolute trash everywhere else lmao

Cant have warriors doing actual dps
 These devs are a hoot

It was one log, he did like 6k less dps than the rogue in his raid, and 2k less than a poorly played aff lock, but because he got a fat 75k sweeping strikes hit off his one sweep cast, they had to rush nerf it in under 24 hours.

Thank god they fixed that, lol

Care to give us all of our dodge back and not crap on us a tank class? Authority of the wastes nearly guts our ability to tank when trying to push empowered wings. Having a higher health pull doesn’t really help when you get rushed for a ton (which is weirdly ironic since that crushing chance should actually go down with our mitigation going down but feels like it’s still going up).

This nerf makes about zero sense, and why NOW of all times?