March 4, 2025
Season of Discovery
- Tarnished Undermine Real now drop from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and Temple of Ahn’Qiraj bosses and hard mode caches.
- Nightmare Grove
- The Nightmare Dragons now drop three Tarnished Undermine Reals each.
- The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Non-C’thun Temple of Ahn’Qiraj Tier.
- Players can access to the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj vendors at the entrance of the raid. These NPCs are Kandrostrasz, Vethsera, and Andorgos.
- The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a piece of Blackwing Tier that is not available on the Undermine Real vendor. (Shoulders/Legs/Head/Chest).
- The Nightmare Dragons now each drop a Blackwing Lair class trinket.
- All of the pieces in the Nightmare Dragon’s old loot has had 8 primary armor slots updated to have the Timeworn tag, allowing them to interact with the Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight line.
- To allow players more chances to get missing patterns, the Nightmare Dragons can now drop all of the enchanting and engineering patterns from Molten Core and all professions recipes from Ahn’Qiraj.
- Health of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 15%.
- Damage and healing of all bosses and enemy creatures reduced by 30%.
- All Dragons no longer thrash.
- Emeriss - NPC priests during the PvP raid phase no longer cast Mind Control.
- Lethon - Damage reduction aura from the large Spirit Shade reduced to 50% (was 99%), and movement speed of Spirit Shades lowered by 25%.
- Ysondre - Divergent Lightning is now cast less frequently and deals less damage.