Season of Discovery Hotfixes - October 2

Math has been done, even with gear the armor and bleed resistance is too much.

This isn’t like any other phase for warrior.

Poor mages, only a premier class always.

this change doesn’t just affect warrior btw, it hurts all physical dps.

And melee hunter just got an 8% nerf

So now warriors going to pass hunters by week 3 instead of week 4.


hate it, it was only fun because it would bounce extremely far for fun pulls, now its completely useless

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It was useless before. lol


No one gives a crap because no one uses this garbage ability.


Swd nerf is slightly too much. priests aren’t useful anymore. we don’t bring any utility to the table and we don’t do enough damage to keep up with mages or hunters. I’m 1/2 bis and hunters with barely any bis gear out damage me by a mile now. buffing our dots also doesnt help this phase because the raid bosses all take less damage from disease so you just made us pretty weak in P2. the PVP counter play to SWD is i just killed myself. everyone complaning about getting one shot by swd is probably min maxing HP. i used to crit for 1.3k now i crit for 700 while other classes have spells and abilities doing 2-3k and they dont kill themselves for doing so. i appreciate being made useless for the 100th time since vanilla. very disappointing.

for a frame of reference. i was doing over 415 dps single target before nerf. i just tested and im hitting at 320. i just got about 100 dps taken from me. SWD is now about 10% of my dps on cooldown.

what was most fun about priest before this imba nerf was our DPS was EVEN ACCROSS THE BOARD. all our spells contributed evenly to our dps if we were rotating correctly. now its just void plague at 35% if im not in gnomer where bosses will take no dmg from void plague…


Devs, please show resto druid some love. We have serious mana issues.

We didn’t even get a gear set in raid.

So when are you going to balance Thermaplug to give melee comp raids a chance? Fix the bomb mechanic. Melee has to run too far for the buttons and those groups are falling behind on the bombs. The health, armour and damage of the boss is fine. Just fix the bombs so pugs and guilds aren’t just bringing in Mages, Shadow priests, Druids and Meta Locks; just so they can Searing Pain and Sunfire spam the bomb bots. A bunch of classes are being excluded over 1 boss mechanic. Smaller guilds may not have access to the ranged classes I mentioned above either. The raid isn’t hard. But don’t have huge oversight and restrict content from certain classes. A level up dungeon converted into a raid for 2 months should be doable and completed by every group composition. Period. Either slow down the tick rate of bombs that fall down from the slots. Or have a fixed rate of 4-5 bombs drop per slot opening so it’s not an unlimited amount. If this isn’t changed. The only melee classes getting invited will be a Melee Hunter, Feral, and tank. The rest of the slots will go to casters for a poorly designed mechanic. You went from shafting casters season 1 to screwing over melee season 2. Just design and launch content that is balanced for both. Is it really that difficult? This is reminding me of Diablo 4 that launched without the quality of life updates that made Diablo 3 better. This company is completely out of touch. I expect it to get worse with the lay offs.


FROST MAGE LIVES MATTER. What is even happening??

Make Shuriken toss usable please…


There is no pressure on healers when we use VE because SWD does less self inflicted damage than VE puts out in our rotation. SWD crits would deal like 600 dmg to us and i get 200 of that back on hit. so 400 dmg we heal back in 3 more casts of MS, MB. so nuking our damage to support healers who dont need help just seems pointless.


You should see how well your nerf to shadow ward death has worked out. It pretty much made S Priest unviable, just like phase 1 now. The healing pressure excuse is garbage, considering vamp covers it easily with imp vamp. How about look at a non melee class doing more damage than true melee classes.

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This is SOD forums, NOT retail. Take the toxic attitude and go outside.

If we can get mechanical creatures bleeding can we also get them to be sus to void plague. Maybe just inside gnomer since were ignoring the whole machine thematic for melee; can we also just do it for disease effects as well? That would likely be a fair compromise in PvE at least.

Can yall please do something about shuriken toss and redirect being complete garbage?


Quit crying. Some things are allowed to be different. Casters sucked last phase just get over it already.

From a balance druid trust me you’re still doing good damage at 320 DPS.

No they don’t

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please fix rogue tanks… aoe threat is not good

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: cry for me plz.