Please add Armor Kit Patterns to AQ Ruins drops. Lowered material costs don’t matter when they rarely appear in only Temple runs.
In regards to the tier 2 options, it should have been all or none imo or double the other half of the tier to 50 tokens each. Just a bit annoying in trying to complete offsets incase anyone would rather play another spec.
Nothing will ever make you people happy…It’s “annoying” having the majority of the set on the real vendor, yet this makes you so mad, you wish they hadn’t even bothered to put them on it at all? BRUH
can you please lower the required materials for “Ruby-Encrusted Broach” as well?
January 21, 2025
Season of Discovery
- All Season of Discovery World buffs will be removed from Classic Era and Anniversary Realm characters upon login or entering an instance.
- Divine Steed is now available on the Rune Broker at level 45.
- Equipping the Revered Version of the DPS Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight will no longer cause it to launch a Timeworn Shot.
- You can now refund the tier tokens from the Undermine Reals.
Please put the recipe for the good vibes generator on the real vendor. The drop rate for it is ludicrously low.
Our Sunday AQ Temple team has been raiding since the start of the phase and hasn’t gotten that generator recipe once even with the HM turned on up to princess for the two caches, sucks
No hot fixes to Kara attunement? Really?
January 30, 2025
Season of Discovery
- You can now correctly hand in Supply Shipments from Karazhan to Supply Officers in cities.
- The “Shadow of Doom” Scourge Invasion quest can now be completed while in a raid group. Everyone in the group will get credit for the kill of the Shadow of Doom.
- Shadows of Doom now spawn an interactable Heart of Doom that players can loot to start their shoulder enchant quest. When getting Hearts of Doom in the future for Remnants of Valor after Naxxramas releases, players will need to get the tag on Shadows of Doom.
- The tooltip on the Doomsayer’s Demise Wand now correctly states that it deals 100 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness (was 45 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness). The tooltip on the Wand does not change when the set is completed, but the debuff tooltip on enemies will increase.
- Tome of Enchanted Flare can now only be seen and looted by Hunters.
- The “Elemental Equation” and the “Core of Elements” quests can now be completed in Light’s Hope Chapel.
You guys were so close to having it right. Just let the orbs drop so people aren’t having to fight people with insta interact/tag macros for the shadows. Being in a raid group and getting ZERO of the 4 is absolutely insane. Just let the orbs drop how they are now forever.
Seriously, no one wants to deal with this garbage. I was doing invasions for 2 hours last night and didnt get a single tag.
change your keyboard battery
February 4, 2025
Season of Discovery
- Fixed an issue where players are no longer able to accept and complete the Tier 0.5 quests.
- Shortened the Injured adventurer’s respawn time for the quest “To the Rescue”, so that he becomes available again more rapidly after being rescued and running off. Quest credit should be awarded to players who are dead when the cage is opened and the adventurer is freed.
- There is now a Haunted Anvil in the town outside of Karazhan that players may interact with to repair their gear, whether they are living or dead.
- Repeatable quests for Remnants of Valor are now available. Players can now pick this quest up from Brother Luctus at Light’s Hope Chapel if they have completed the prerequisite quest.
- Heart of Doom can now be looted for the repeatable Remnants of Valor quest from the Heart of Doom object that spawns after a Shadow of Doom has perished. These will now only last for a short time after the death of a Shadow of Doom.
- The Heart of Doom that spawns after a Shadw of Doom is killed will now last for 5 minutes, giving players more of an opportunity to click it. Once you have successfully looted a Heart of Doom, you may not loot another for 5 minutes.
- Argent Dawn Quartermasters and Outfitters now offer all Undead Slaying gloves quests available to your armor type. Previously full sets were locked to the highest armor type a class can wear.
- Weighted Consecrated Sharpening Stone can now correctly be applied to Staves.
- Karazhan Crypts
- Demon Charge and Feral Charge now destroy the Immense Rock.
- Players will now be able to loot a bag containing a Necrotic Rune from every boss and mini-boss.
- Shamans can now cleanse the Diseased Corpse.
- Mysterious Relics are now Bind on Pickup and Uncommon.
- Hunter
- The Darkrider’s Spine will now correctly use and benefit from Arrows.
- Priest
- Binding Heal now correctly benefits from and is consumed by Inner Focus.
- Warlock
- Fixed an issue where Curse of Agony was not gaining any benefit from Improved Curse of Agony or Amplify Curse.
Unlisted nerf to savage frond drop rate in DM east. classic fun-detected behavior.
Was this really nerfed? Or did you just have a stretch of not getting as many fronds?
Just got out of Naxx, feels great to be back in and had a blast! Prot warrior definitely feels pretty weak compared to the other tanks who don’t need rage and can’t build as much threat even with 4-piece t2.5. Not to mention shaman having 30%-40% more hp than other tanks and so much aoe!
Ashbringer has been removed for Blade of Inquisition.
No one wanted this or asked for this.
Many people played what they did from level 1 for Ashbringer from Naxx.
Cant wait to watch it be used by NPC in 8-12 more weeks when you give us Wrath Tyr’s Hand as a raid with rewards that feel just as bad as P7! Thanks Blizzard!
Blade of Inquisition doesnt match any items a Pali will wear this phase and looks like an Item out of retail and Devs refuse to make any spec beside Twist spec supported so you will be forced to use this weapon.
Where is the shockadin support? Why remove ashbringer from our grasps? Why are naxx sets only truly useful in Naxx? Things were going sooo good for sod… then yall did some dumb crap that the retail team of BfA and Shadowlands would do.
Stop. Just make the game enjoyable for us, not a testing ground for junk that we are emphatically telling you is junk. Listen to the players, we want the gear to be good for all content, not just one raid. We want the chance to get our hands on ashbringer and hopefully cleanse it one day… we want fun and enjoyment and fan service. If we wanted to be dissapointed and annoyed while playing this game, we would play retail and anniversary.
Also again, make a shockadin set that isnt just zg… give shockadin proper support.