Season of Discovery Hotfixes - March 17

February 14, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • In Season of Discovery, all buffs from the Lunar Festival and Love Is In The Air events require the holiday to be active. After the events end, event items cannot be consumed, and they will be removed upon log-in.
  • Might of Menethil now has a chance on hit to knocks down all nearby enemies for 4 seconds.
  • Naxxramas
    • Kel’thuzad will no longer rot faster than intended on maximum difficulty.
    • Kel’thuzad will no longer allow players to use a Flask of Petrification to avoid engaging with his mechanics on maximum difficulty.
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Huhuran will no longer retain stacks of Frenzy after a wipe.
  • Druid
    • The Tier 3 Feral Druid 2-piece bonus will no longer increase the frequency of Rake’s periodic against players.
  • Hunter
    • Tranquilizing Shot will no longer remove stacks of the Tier 3 Melee Hunter 6-piece bonus.
    • Feign Death will now set the remaining duration of the Tier 3 Undead Slaying bonus to 5 seconds, providing an opportunity to get back into combat to keep the bonus stacks.
  • Mage
    • Mages will no longer have a chance to instantly kill players when they are Mind Controlled.
  • Paladin
    • Righteous Fury will no longer incorrectly fall off if the target that dealt damage to the Paladin is no longer available/alive.
    • The Tier 1 Holy Paladin 6-piece bonus will now correctly gain healing based on your Sanctified bonus.
    • The Holy Paladin Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece bonus will no longer incorrectly benefit twice from your Sanctified healing bonus.
    • The Tier 3 Retribution Paladin 6-piece set bonus will no longer work if you have Hand of Reckoning engraved or Righteous Fury active.
      • Developers’ notes: We feel that this would turn a Paladin tank into a one-button playstyle while also providing too much damage for a tank. With this change, Protection Paladins can exchange their Retribution Tier for Tank Tier until the February 20. This is a one-way trade.
  • Priest
    • The Tier 1 Shadow Priest 6-piece bonus should now more responsively to add the Melting Faces buff to players after a Mind Blast crit, allowing an empowered Mind Flay to be immediately channeled.
  • Rogue
    • Soul of the Phantom will now correctly apply to Rogues upon logging in.
    • Fixed an issue preventing Rogues from getting a Sending Sigil if they knew the Engrave Blunderbuss rune.
  • Shaman
    • The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece Enhancement set now correctly works against Bleed-Immune targets.
  • Warlock
    • Shadowflame and Immolate no longer gain increased critical damage from Pandemic. This increase is from the Ruin talent.
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