Season of Discovery Hotfixes - May 8

Sad, sad day

It was clearly badly coded so not surprising it was patched.

Fix a cool interesting thing to mess around with and discover all these weird vantage points. But yet you buff Spriest when they needed a nerf and made pvp even more miserable for everyone without a dispel. Cool.

When do the ranged hunter scaling buffs come in?

Rap scaling to fire traps and serpent sting.

If you want to put it onto a rune, tnt would be a good rune to replace with it.

Because it would then be replacing the pet scaling and focus fire as it would be the lone wolf option.

~10% rap scaling per tick of serpent sting, immolation trap, and explosive trap (not initial explosion damage, just the dot) on the rune should be enough to make it even out with the focus fire pet option, making lone wolf viable, giving hunters the scaling we want, and letting us have viable options between the runes and fixing the main issue long term.

grats, you had 3 rogues using daggers and mutilate as DPS.

Should have means something that didn’t happen but would have been better if it was the case.

Glad I could help.

Smartest forum hunter lmao. Try looking up what “should have” means.

Can i humbly request you buff the darkmoon card decay? Even with the small dmg increase it procs so low when used by destro locks that it is useless. For such a difficult to obtain epic trinket it should be better to use than infernal pact essence. Going through the intense grind to finally get it only to find it unplayable feels horrible…


  • Seal of Righteousness damage can now be critical hits.

SoR is also critting on Era. Please revert this unintended change for Era.

Which part needed a nerf exactly? They’re the lowest damage in PvE at the moment, being outdamaged by two tank specs and beating another two .

defenders fixed LOL

April 29, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Shaman
    • Rolling Thunder can now trigger from Overload versions of Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning.
  • Warlock
    • Felguards summoned by Warlocks will now have their appropriate demon names, instead of just ‘Felguard’. This name will not be permanent like other Warlock pets, and the Felguard’s name will change upon every summon.

Will dot crits be changed to affect reckoning? They currently don’t and dots can crit harder than some melee attacks.

Not going to mention the hunter nerfs?

Or did you decide it was a bad idea to nerf hunters AGAIN when they were not the top dps without touching warriors and rogues so you are trying to not admit to the hunter nerfs having gone through?

I dont play melee hunter, but this is just getting stupid at this point. You keep nerfing hunters without touching any of the other top dps, even when hunter isn’t number 1.

Edit: looks like you added it to post 1, but didnt want to give an update in its own post. My guess is an attempt to try and make it more discreet.

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May 8, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue with Efflorescence generating frequent immune messages on totems.

are you serious?

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Oh man. I hope they have some nice surprises in store for phase 4. Waiting almost 2 weeks just to have a slight change to Efflorescence seems cruddy.

Warrior and rogue nerf when?

If melee hunter was doing to much damage, so were they.

"Darkmoon faire now spawns in both Mulgore and Elewynn , with one week off in between fairs. " Bis change

Summon bots are in shambles