Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - March 5

Yeah, in wrath FFF procs Omen… Don’t need the talent for it to proc. Thanks for the helpful tip!

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Good job continuing to ignore that warlocks are essentially missing an entire talent tree.

BLIZZARD DONT LISTEN TO HIM!!! I DONT WANT A HORSE EXPLOADING OUT OF MY BUTT! What we need is the “Long Arm of the Law” Rune. Paladin gets 70% movement speed for 3 seconds after judgement.

No one running omen of clarity and feral farie fire do we even have that many talent points? These are the worst recs ive ever seen

  • Seal of Martyrdom Seal and Judgement effects now benefit from talents and effects that modify Seal of Righteousness, particularly Improved Seal of Righteousness.

Does this mean that it will be affected by JotC, Sheath of Light etc etc and thus Spell Power? JotC is an effect that modifies Seal of Righteousness

Please buff warrior DPS. Also, when you all release the next phase, please please please give warrior cool/fun runes like everyone else.

You realize this will do nothing? Arcane barrage and hot streak are still better and these runes will still, never be played. Was this a faux buff for optics? Pretend like you are trying to fix frost mage? The people that developed the game can’t possibly be that out of touch can they?

Sounds like your opinion. I dont see your post deleted. Interesting :thinking:

Its almost as if forums are for this kind of thing. Except if your opinion is in favor of GDKP. Then you cant talk.

It can be dispelled and out ranged.

cries in feral

Thanks for the fix on Prot Warrior, can’t wait to try it out.

We shall see if we can hold threat a little better. As long as we are able to hold it without mandatory WF+alpha/Salv, I will be happy.

Good luck to fellow sword/axe/mace and board warriors out there!

This. We got ranged hunters crying and moaning that they can’t do as good of damage as their melee spec. Meanwhile, our BEST dps spec as a rogue is doing mediocre damage and often falling behind even that of a ranged DPS hunter in its current non-buffed state.

The whole point of a rogue is to do big damage quick and get out. This just no longer is the case anymore. We do weak damage. In PvP this is even more noticeable. You may be able to get to kill one person (assuming everyone ignores you), but then you get slapped with dots and its impossible to escape the larger battle to regen your energy and do your opener again. PvP trinket, vanish, sprint, does nothing to prevent you from just having two priest dots do 2k+ damage on their own while you run around begging for a healer to save you from dying. Food and bandages won’t save you even if by some fluke you escaped the players chasing you down you’ll just die to the dots.

We’re basically glorified CC machines so the other classes can do damage and get the kills. Our energy regen is abysmal. It takes six full seconds to get enough energy to do another mutilate after your opener. Meanwhile in those 6 seconds you’re just dead.

The new runes do not play nice with our core abilities either. Like even if you spec deep into a low dps spec, to get the ability to sap someone and have a 10% chance of not dropping stealth (wtf btw). Deady Brew can and will apply poisons on the zero damage CC ability to now break that CC. It does the same for blind and gouge. DB should not proc off these things. Hell if its going to you may as well give us a new tome to make the CC not break off of our own bleeds or poisons because right now you’ve just invalidated a lot of our core abilities since they no longer synergize with each other. Same thing with the epic dagger that drops in Gnomer, have fun breaking all your CC with it.

TL:DR, we need cloak of shadows. Bleeds/poisons need to synergize better without core CC abilities. Damage from the non-mutilate abilities needs to be brought up to mutilate. Evisc, rupture, garrote, and ambush need a massive buff (or better replacements). Energy regen needs a rework, bring those helm runes out already FFS why hold it back?

I’m pretty much 95% BiS and nobody wants me in their groups. Doesn’t even matter what content it is either. Gnomer, a random dungeon, or PvP. This is a huge problem.

If rogues actually got some buffs for pvp viability and maybe were given windfury we’d be more in demand. Right now who the hell would pick up a rogue over a druid? Feral druids bring way more to the table with their buffs, BR, backup heals, and then you give them windfury ontop of it all? What the hell? Now you’re gonna just buff them to do more damage too? Why even have my class in the game at this point?

The only time anyone ever whispers me for something is to open their stupid little lockbox. And then 95% of the time they won’t even bother to tip me. So that’s all my class exists for. To open boxes for free. What an amazing class fantasy we got in this version of the game.

At least in vanilla everyone else was just as clunky and broken as us so we could actually do things. Oneshotting casters and kiting melee. But SoD feels like they brought everyone else up gave them new toys and left us to friggin rot. The whole phase even felt like BS.

Not a single dungeon item was worth chasing after. Maybe some mediocre shoulders but thats it. I see you guys adding new items into the game for others but then you forgot rogues exist I suppose. My pre-raid BiS was basically buy gold to afford the 5000g BoE’s or get screwed and go into gnomer gimped pray I get gear fast. How fun. Exciting. Good thing you guys banned GDKP so it’s impossible for legal players to earn gold at the quantities that the gold buyers have.

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I hear some don’t even play the game.

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May as well be offering warriors trying to tank a ha’penny for their troubles in this economy. Just admit no one in that office is actually playing warriors dps or tank and you don’t care about the players that did want to play it.

Since every spec that runs that Rune gets the damage increase it won’t change anything really. Affliction is still around 200DPS behind Fire Destro.

Love this.
Such a breath of fresh air to see reasonable suggestions targeted at the areas the class struggles instead of the usual “buff warriors! We should be best damage”

Like yes we know warriors are weaker at low gear levels and they are doing fine at higher gear/skill levels. That a feature of the class not a balance issue.

I’d love to see any/all of these suggestions coming to fruition.

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Would be cool if Affliction Warlocks in Meta form can have a rework of the Nightfall Proc.
Currently its worthless as Shadow Cleave is already instant.

Would be cool if when Nightfall Procs, it automatically procs Shadow Cleave (if you have the mana for it). Would make it pretty interesting choice in multi AOE fights.

Just feels bad getting that Nightfall proc and not being able to do anything with it. Would love to see something move away from the Meta Ruin Tank, or at least have some other fun utility for trash mob farming and holding AOE threat.

Also there is 0 reason why anyone should or would pick Shadowflame, can you either re-work the damage do probably double or triple or at least have it give utility like Attack Speed / Movement Speed malus.

As it stands, especially since you have to get rid of Demonic Knowledge, there’s almost no reason to every go that, its damage is abysmal, and it doesn’t even generate high threat.

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We pay for it also. If we didn’t we couldn’t play.

Why not just make special attacks proc seals? This is the 5th adjustment to SoM.