Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - February 20

So what I’m hearing is that you’re just a really slow learner.

I mean, sometimes the Hugo boss fits.

Perhaps it’s just my bias because I also play a paladin, but I know exactly where you’re coming from! It feels insane that after 10 seconds, I have burned through 1500 mana as a Ret paladin, especially in PVP when you cannot afford to apply seal of wisdom.

The new Guarded by the Light Rune does massively help with mana problems, but that honestly only helps Paladin tanks - which holy paladins can’t take because it cuts their healing by half. (A fair trade, IMO.) In terms of Retribution paladins, who feel pressed to take The Art of War rune to get the extra exorcism out during fights, it seems… I don’t know, underwhelming? Like, yes, thanks for giving me a thing that helps me spend my already low mana?

Where is the melee hunter nerf? Top DPS in Gnomeregan even with the high armor, and they two shot people with raptor strike in PvP.

The whole thing is "Do you have crowd pummeler? If so, lose an ENTIRE dps rune for a seal that gives you mana "

Thats a terrible terrible design choice. We have to choose between a dps rune and a rune for mana no matter what. Its so scuffed.

bumping for the hpals trying to have some counterplay besides 5 min cd bubble against all the caster burst who also have interrupts/silences

I don’t need lip from a scaredy-cat who posts on a level 10.

Don’t nerf melee hunter , I’m rerolling melee hunter until you can give enhance crash lightning and stormbringer. :slight_smile:

this is a LOT of projection for 9 AM on a Monday. I don’t really think about you and what you do with your time tbh


Enhance shamans really do need a good look at, maybe agility could work like it does with druids, giving us 1 ap and some crit %, WF needs to proc more as well. I love playing enhance but being at the bottom of the dps table makes enhance shamans the last to be invited to any raid.

“wahhh you guys are blaming me for being toxic, but it’s all those other people. The five times I got banned were someone else’s fault.”

Immediately after, you go off about how druids should suffer. Lol

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Try being a warlock right now in pvp

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Its…a little rough. I just throw out DoTs, bite the pillow and hope for the best.

Lets nerf tf out of spriests buff a dot that can’t be used in the raid and not nerf melee hunters. Bravo.

A second instant attack would be so good. IMHO make lava blast an instant attack on the 4 targets, instead of just CoC mechanics. That would def. Make 2H more viable.

Yep this guys right pretty much took any fun away from shadow priest, half the time you get nuked in pvp by stuns and saps from rogues and warriors and druids, not to mention boomie still destroying cloth wearers, as for pve spriest is low on overall dps, trash patch gg bliz

well no warrior nerfs so i guess thats something, could be worse. atleast we have 2 ways to use a bad filler attack

Druids cant complete their runes. It WILL NOT GIVE YOU CREDIT FOR KILLS

I don’t think most warrior truly ‘‘need’’ to be number one or anything.

In my case…Just let me cast my attack (rage problem at the moment) and hold threat and I’m happy. I’m simply an old timer who enjoy tanking…been tanking as warrior/paladin kind of class in every RPG/MMORPG I’ve ever played (Baldur’s Gate 1-2-3, Gloomhaven, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Aion, Rift, New World… if there is a tank and it is group content, sign me in) and I can tell that this is probably my first time in a game where I just don’t feel like playing anymore before our group gets their fill on the content.

The Only reason I’m still logging at the moment is that I don’t want to let my friends down after only 2 weeks but it is pretty hard to cope when you know you are the one causing the wipes… We never ran super meta composition because we were more the ‘‘slow and steady’’ kind of group but it seems like warrior can’t pull threat if you don’t have Windfury plus Aspect of the Alpha (which we don’t have because everyone play whatever they want in our friend group and it simply happen that I am the only non-caster class along with a rogue).

Give warrior tank threat bonus. I could care less if I dealt 75 dps while people pull 200+. I just want to sword and board and tank for my friends while I throw some interupt and Concusive Blow some mobs while we laugh over the stupid wipes we manage to pull from time to time.

Wiping in Phase 1 at Kelris when the pressure was on everyone and we were in it all together VS wiping because I simply can’t hold threat and I know deep down that everyone is getting less interested in raiding because it simply doesn’t work unless we change someone (me) and our friend group would rather stop playing than doing that.

Anyway, I hope everyone can get to enjoy their classes. Numbers are just numbers, clearing the content with friends is what you should cherish.


what happened to this change? It never changed after Tuesday.

Blizzard have gone back on their word…they went with 10 even tho they said 20, normal as always I guess.