Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - February 20

Best change ever, but where are the hunter nerfs


so this is going to help feral dps how?

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Have you looked into Shadow Word: Death or Lava Burst damage?? Hellloooooo?? Bring back Starsurge by some % or nerf those spells as well please…


That’s fine, I don’t play SoD for PvE, I play it for PvP and I feel like a god in PvP so I’m not too worried. My guild group for gnomer runs me and another ret paladin and we’re still easily in the top 4-5 dps most fights, to say nothing of our utility when it comes to blessing of freedom and cleanse on the final boss.

Pretty happy with where Ret is right now in both PvE and PvP, but I recognize that I’m personally biased since I’m a PvPer first and a PvEr never (well, only for gear) so I don’t care if I’m on top of the dps charts so long as we’re downing bosses and doling out loot.

Really sad to see 2H falling behind DW already, and now DW getting buffs. Obviously the spec needs some help in general in comparison to other classes but just feels bad given that some social surveys showed a majority of players are interested in the unique-to-vanilla playstyle of 2H enhancement. I think SoD has made enhancement feel even more fun to play, and in open world/pvp its a great spec. But in raid if it falls way behind others and those looking to 2H are forced to DW, just feels a little bad.

Thanks for making changes regardless, appreciate the SoD team a ton!


FOTM rets rolling people with their full Cata rotation talents and thinking they’re great players. Is what it is.


Change armor values in Gnomer from having Naxx 40 levels of armor and we’re even.

Casters got their spell resist change in bfd.


Water cooler spec mages in shambles they’re out of a job. Water for everyone now!

yea because starsurge was left the same way for 2 months which the druids defended tooth and nail, now u expect other classes to be immediately changed because you were

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This will 100% happen in a week or two. Like you said, BFD got the spell resist nerf, Gnomer will get an armor resist nerf. Just have to wait.


warriors don’t need to be even, there’s no need to be top dps, we are fine as is


I’m not a druid lol.

Ok let me say that paladins even with these hotfixes still are terrible. The hotfixes dont even matter. No one is going to switch off guard rune because mana usage is so jacked for paladins.


Warrior mains are now restricted to 3 whining posts per week.


No melee hunter fixes is wild… and I say this while playing my melee hunter alt (it’s crazy dps).


Just lmao. Genuinely clueless.


Very very good looking Shaman changes.

I’m still not sure if 50% increase Lava Lash damage is enough to use Flametongue Weapon. (Currently Lava Lash hits like a wet noodle, even with Flame Tongue it crits for like 150) without Flame Tongue it crits for about 125-130. I don’t think the extra 30% is quite where it needs to be to justify not taking double Windfury for dual-wield Enhance. (After all more Windfury procs = more Maelstrom Procs - More Maelstrom = more damage.) [I just don’t think giving Lavalash a tiny bit more love is enough tbh]

I would also like to see SOMETHING done with Elemental. (It just feels super clunky even with a full talent tree) - Maybe reduce cast time of Lava Burst by like .5 second(s) or maybe reduce the CD by 2 seconds? (Just a few ideas)

Restoration seems pretty solid to me as does Tank Enhance shaman. No complaints for either of those two. Overall good changes.

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Well the top ret parsers from last night on warcraftlogs all switched off of guarded and onto art of war after the change based on the fact that their exorcism dmg went up to being about 15-20% of their total dmg.

So I dunno about all of that. Will the AoW change make us better in PvE? Maybe not. I don’t really care though, I’m a PvPer and I love how it feels to play Ret in PvP.

Only things I don’t love is spriests and ele shamans insta-win buttons. That’s not a Ret Problem though, that’s an everyone problem.

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They want the DPS charts to look like a hockey stick.