Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - December 12

Good changes, sounds good!

Still got Kelris resist nerfs on the xmas wishlist so it wasn’t basically a phys only fight. Also wouldn’t mind if the Rogue runes were less co-dependent on one another (e.g. Poison Brew / Envenom or Blade Dance / Flesh Wound useless without the other), and if Saber Slash was somehow woven into the rotation along Sinister Strike rather than completely supplanting it (just so rotations felt more like vanilla PLUS new stuff rather than ONLY new stuff)

This should be adjusted to allow people to persist through death and just limit it to BFD. I know chronoboon will help avoid griefing by players getting camped going in to BFD, but nothing will stop a random mechanic from killing someone and destroying their effectiveness before they get to Kelris.

Might not be a well received opinion, but the moment a caster dies or doesn’t have this buff, they become far less desirable.


What about spellpower not being applied to spells in battlegrounds?

can you pls open up alliance faction on crusader strike so I can play with my friends pls :innocent:

My lavaburst was already disgusting on alliance faces

Now they are doomed. MWHAHAHAHAHAH


I don’t think boss-specific resistances should be done away with, but if it’s simply casters (or physical if it were reversed) getting screwed without having anything to do in the encounter then it’s lazy as opposed to Twin Emperors which does it right.


If you do ANYTHING to change hunter pets even the slightest YOU HAVE TO BUFF SOMETHING ELSE.


Personally I disagree with this. Buff should never persist through death. Ever. They are a mini “hardcore” version of the game.

And i like the MS being available in the open world… makes some of these long runs without mounts doable when rune hunting.

For me this is an L take

I rerolled to hunter a few days ago because mage just felt so bad in PvP, seen balancing changes and was excited that maybe changed up mages or made their healing better.


Back to playing my scorpid class. No mana issues, great damage, no spell pushback. Why would I want to play a mage over this.

Zero scorpion nerfs. There’s no reason you should have to focus the hunter pet all the while the hunter, who does less damage than his pet, just stands still and spams attacks with no chance of you ignoring his pet to focus him. Hunter pets are supposed to be annoying, not deadly.

Thanks for fixing everything but the ONE THING we wanted you to.


Mage and lock both above shaman… the only class worse than shaman for dps is dps priest… which also got a buff… quit crying.


Because they don’t want to make casters too strong in PvP or cause problems in the next phase. This is an easy fix that basically only effects the raid.

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This is a special situation that puts casters at a significant disadvantage. You can conform to norms all you want, but this isn’t a normal situation.

Try to assess the situation and come to conclusions that aren’t based on ‘what they usually do’. This iteration of the game isn’t exactly ‘the norm’.


So the three worst classes and only one got buffed. That is terrible work

There is no excuse for that. They knew the cap was 25 and with spell ranks they can tweak them next phase of needed.

No lone wolf change? Mage change? Surprised a bit. Good changes to balance and enchance and shadow priests but seem lighton changes

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This is excellent to see.


It’s actually more the entire running OOM halfway through the fight thing while energy and rage users don’t have the same level of resource limitations.


any word on seal of martyrdom not being a valid seal to twist with command?