Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - April 23

Still no AE pickpocket for rogues. /le-sigh

if anything this goes to show how good rogues are in pvp, fully stun locks someone for 85% of their health, couldve survived from firstaid/eating, honestly a skill issue

As a raider that does 99 parses, yes absolutely they’re necessary. It sucks when you’re the class that’s at the bottom. It doesn’t matter how easy or hard the content is. Being the guy that literally CAN’T do any better because of class limitations feels bad for most people that care about said content.

It’d be the same as a PVP’er dying in two seconds. Both things matter. I enjoy PVP too, but I also know specially CLASSIC PVP, it’s just not the most relevant. Gaining ranks doesn’t even require you to win, you can lose 100% of the time and still rank up. Legitimately pointless endeavor.

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Wild Strikes is the main reason alliance takes feral druids to raids, if its raid wide you can bet they will only take one feral per 40 man, no thanks, reroll feral

Oh i agree with you 100% but imagine if the priest knew how to disperse

Except creating different rulesets for different parts of the game always creates a disconnected mess. No thanks.

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wait – what’s wrong with Gore? It is lackluster but it is far from ‘terrible’, at least for Bear, that is.

No, I am sorry, but your parses are not more important then 99% of the rest of game time… logging and parsing needs to be removed from this game, maybe try just enjoying the game. Especially if your guild is still clearing the content.

What isn’t fun is getting trucked in 2 seconds by LITERALLY EVERYTHING ESLE ALL THE TIME!


Explain exactly how making raid mobs vulnerable to shadow damage ruins anything. Specifically. Explain it.

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“But but but shamans”

Sees the Spriest gets buffed even more

Watches same people still complain about shams

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The fact you think shamans dont need a nerf is wild

Yes, a lot of people pvp, a lot of the time. And people like you are completely fine with a hot dog crap game for the 2 hours you are logged in every week but some people actually play the game for more than just raids. Assuming that the community only plays the way you want is what makes you the actual fool.

PvP still F****** matters you moron.


Warriors need some buffs to our utility and survivability runes. As well as some quality of life changes to underutilized or annoying things. We are in dire need of help, as we are just punching bags. We are basically melee minions from League of Legends. We should be more juggernautish. As a warrior it is becoming more and more difficult to even walk outside of towns without being pelted by 34+ yard attacks with no way of recovery or even properly engaging. Battlegrounds where we need to start and initiate rumbles.

Please note I am not asking for all of these things and in light of recent changes, these aren’t even crazy. These are ideas on a direction to take.

Some suggestions:

  • add to Warbringer add a damage reduction on your charge, intercept and intervene for 2 seconds. Enters an enhanced defensive stance increasing damage reduction by 25%.
  • Move Warbringer to boot runes, currently unable to utilize any other chest rune while in the world/pvp would make more sense as a boot rune with the other utility runes.
  • Enraged regen is a weak defensive rune. It just needs to be buffed, the healing is to slow, and restrictive. either some sort of damage reduction, increased healing, increased initial healing
  • Victory Rush in its current state is not used outside of solo mob grinding. If kept in current state it should be buffed to activating on kills and assist with it resetting the cooldown on kills. Many times in dungeons or the world or BGs people “steal” your kill and you can’t use victory rush and you die… all the time. I would like to see it go the route of a deathstrike like ability, bleed based or health based would be cool. Could be based on personal max health to encourage stamina stacking.
  • Remove the shared cooldown between retal/shield wall/recklessness. reduce them to 10-15 min cds. put a 30sec to 2 min cd shared on activation. We really would like our cooldowns unlinked from each other at minimum.
  • Currently Commanding Shout is not affected by the talent Booming Voice, buff all our shouts to work with booming voice, including piercing howl, intimidating shout.
  • Remove the rage cost from Battleshout and Commanding Shout. Buff the duration to 5 minutes. Have commanding shout be casted when battleshout is casted or it gives its affect to battle shout.
  • Add a scaling modifier to Rend in some form, possible way to aoe apply rend? maybe thunderclap?
  • Add a scaling modifier to Thunderclap in some form
  • Add a version of secondwind, I think TBC version would be alright in SoD
  • Add Skullsplitter

Possible direction to take Warriors. Make us more bleed based, Enraged based, or shout based. We seem to have no real identity in SoD.


PvP is dead. get over it. SPriests needed more then just 10% SP. but i’ll take it either way.

Not going to deny they’re strong, but at the same time, not even close to Spriest or melee hunter levels.

This is not the right way to buff Combat Swords.

  1. Nobody wants to maintain a stacking DoT and have to weave Sinister Strike in between managing the DoT stack.

  2. 15% increased DMG per Stack (75% dmg increase if at 5 stacks) is causing un-needed ramp up time when bosses will die before using the full benefit of the stacking dot.

  3. You devs are actually just clueless ? There were so many other options to optimize Sword/Mace Rogues than this, why are we not listening to the community, but making terrible adjustments.

Translation “the way I play the game is more important than how you play the game.”

In pvp? When i face a spriest or a hunter, i mostly win, but its a tough fight. When i run into a enh, its gg 95% of the time. If we are talking about pve, thats a different story,

No it doesn’t. If the game does not meet your expectations then you stop paying the sub and stop playing. That’s your only option simple as that the end

impact dmg = dmg done durng impact lol, this is my first time seeing this too

heres an example if SS does 100 flat dmg then
1 stack of SS = 15% buff so 115 flat dmg
2 stacks of ss - 30% buff so 130 flat dmg and so on

youre right in the 5x3=3x5 but now with the impact buff if they kept it at 3 stack max you would only get 45% (3x15) dmg boost to impact while with 5 stacks that can go to 75% (5x15) dmg boost