Season of Discovery – Ashenvale PvP Changes December 7

What does this even mean. You are wrong. Put your suggestion on a piece of paper and throw it out cause it’s a bad idea. I’ve explained how it will be exploited. We already been down this road before.

It means that you’re not so important that you need to respond to every person commenting in a blue post. Get over yourself. Nobody asked for your braindead opinion on what works and what doesn’t. You don’t make any decisions. You’re nobody. Why are you still acting like you’re important?

So now that you are wrong you turn to personal insults. Way to contribute.


I already told you to stop responding but you feel so important that you need to respond to literally every message in this thread.

can you make the weekly Ashenvale quest turn in possible at anytime? it’s annoying waiting for the event to start and be away from objective to turn in the quest at your leader.

If you’re not going to Shard Ashenvale and do a better job balancing factions in this zone specifically, give us the ability to queue to join a specific layer.

Only layer 1 and maybe 2 horde on my server ever win this event and everyone spam asks invites to these layers. Everyone else gets stuck in a layer massively outnumbered and auto-loses every time.

Keep up the good work

im mnust here to claim my logs char

Just wanted to respond to this developer position on Ashenvale and point out some flaws. By taking this hands off approach and putting the responsibility onto the players to split up into equal numbers, you’re essentially using the classic/vanilla design philosophy as an excuse.

It’s not even reasonable to think players can fix the problems in Ashenvale via organization. Lets look what happens when you organize:

  1. Usually only a 1 or 2 layers have organized discord Ashenvale groups. For example, Living Flame horde do this in layer 1 frequently from what I understand.

  2. You can’t reliably get to a layer without an invite, we have no ability to queue into specific layers.

  3. There are too many people trying to get into the 1-2 “good layers” which means they fill up entirely which likely leads to issues reported elsewhere of people being pushed out of a layer or unable to be moved to their groups layer because it’s full

  4. The other layers end up being a terrible experience and this is what most people will see and experience

We have no transparency in layering. We can’t even see what layer we’re on or how many there are without addons. We have no ability to get onto specific layers outside of begging in global chat channels for invites. We don’t know how many players are in any given layer or what the faction balance is per layer, yet you expect us to solve faction distribution problems magically via discord and organization? It’s a cop out excuse to not make a better system.

It also doesn’t touch on the fact that in any given layer, some people in the zone are not there for the event and are AFK or doing something else. We can’t see or control this.

You’ve in the past had queue systems even in world zones like Ashran and Wintergrasp (before they were converted into battlegrounds). You could add a queue system for the event and split people up evenly in the layers based on that and push people in the zone who are there for some other purpose into the same layers so that you get more even faction balance actually participating in the event per layer.

But in reality, at the end of the day, this was just overhyped and probably not intended to be that big of a deal I guess. Oh well.

I’ll also point out that my ideas before launch about using War Mode would have worked out much better than what you did. If we had War Mode and did the event in WM only, you’d have fewer people in the event zones not there for the event and could use retail WM sharding tech you already have to faction balance WM zones in retail for the event.

edit: I got into a layer 1 raid, we had 4 full raids and beat everything without the alliance killing anything. So organizing doesn’t actually result in WPvP anyway, it just means we dominate in one layer while they dominate the others.

I love the pvp in Ashenvale. Both the event and the random pvp. But can we get some more graveyards please. I feel like most of the time is spent corpse running.

It’s actually not hard at all. I went from 0-9000 “honored” yesterday after all the changes in like 5 hours…

Kind of surprised they didn’t bother to take any direction from BfA Warfronts. It was a PvE mode, but it was PvP themed. Like they could have had gathering quests sending you into the same areas as the other faction to make the % build faster. There’s even a freaking saw mill and stuff in the zone and the zone % is about “supplies” but it seems entirely unfinished.

That’s more what this event should have been like I think.

If you’re in a winning layer for you faction it’s faceroll easy to get rep, but it’s also not a WPvP event as every mechanic and aspect of it discourages you from PvPing and instead rushing the PvE side in a stacked layer.

more centralized graveyard would be nice

good job adding quest turn in to each factions inn really good addition :smiley:

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