Season 4 Sucks

How can you infer I’m “bad at the game” if I literally described exactly the game experience.

Defaulting to “go to Wowhead uh, go to Google” offers no actual answers.
Why not just say “Go to a library, they have some kind of info there!”.

Don’t be weaksauce.

Be goodsauce. Honestsauce.

Anyways, I could literally livestream the experience and will debunk anyone who disagrees. I’m debating whether I should bother to do it. It will make you crap your pants. And Blizzard too, to see their shills get totally moded. I’m not even joking. Just had an “Awakening Dungeon” get wiped in 5 seconds and they started screaming about the game all pissed off. You are literally a clown if you haven’t seen that and I can literally film it and post that kind of stuff is going on. Can make a series out of that and more. Who would like to see it? HMMM?!

It absolutely offers answers.

How are you this utterly incapable of helping yourself?

They’re just called dungeons. There are no awakened dungeons. And if you wiped in five seconds, you’re bad.

Everything about how you say things just screams “I’m a confused boomer”.


people who play t he game are telling you it isn’t hard to gear up. you were given tips and suggestions. it’s on you at this point if you’re going to use them or just keep ranting about pugs not going well.

bad groups happy my dude, try again.

but seriously? bad groups happen much less when you’re not pugging, or when you’re doing organized pugs. ← this is a discord community that facilitates dungeon and raid pugs.


Not every game can be for everyone. I work 40-50 hours a week with 2 kids and I still can seem to get stuff done in game that I want. Sorry it’s not achievable for you.


Our guild is full of people with kids and careers and we raid Cutting Edge Mythic every season.

It’s all about using your time wisely.


WoW has almost always been about gearing through dungeons to do raids.

Play the game.

Dude, inspect me. I don’t play die hard everyday and even I’ve got a 501 ilvl, 4 piece tier, bis weapon, cloak, and trinkets. And it didn’t take much to get there, the evidence is in my activity. Just play the game…


Bud, like… you good?

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You’re trolling, and everyone knows it.

Season 3 gear is adequate, if not:
LFR starts at 463.
Heroic dungeons offer 476 which only require 460 to queue for and upgrade to 489
Weeklies offer 480+
M0s offer 493. 480 is sufficient enough for normal raids

This is true about anything and yet people are already 525+ weird huh?

If weeklies are offering worse gear, then your first point is moot now isnt it?

Start your own. Log in to the game actually look at the LFG tool. Tonnes of m0 groups forming

You can make your own with work orders and your own crests. 486 gear for a measely 2-3k a piece (including tip)

You should actually try playing the game. I mean you are paying to play it

I think now is a good time to go take a walk, maybe watch the sunset while nestled at a cafe.


Because you described the game experience of a bad player

Thats pretty evident.


yep. i knew a guy who used to log on back every tuesday and get angry at how bad his vault loot was. he never got an upgrade! can you believe his horrible luck!!?!?!?

needless to say, he did nothing but raid log. whatever bosses we killed that week in raid, that was all he killed. no pugs to pick up missed bosses if we extended. never set foot in m+ no matter how many times people asked him if he’d like to join. but every week without fail “the vault sucks, nothing but duplicates, no upgrades”.


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Nope, it’s native.

I don’t have any WAs for the LFG tool and mine looks like that

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Yup. Part of the new UI update that came with S4

Only thing i dislike is that groups that fill auto fall off the list so the one im going to go click on to join seems to always be bouncing all over the place

Bro wtf are you talking about none of this is real

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I just geared my demo lock from 418 item level to 502 in about 2 weeks, not sure what the issue is, this is the easiest season to gear in they literally give you BIS gear from the raid vendors with boullions too.

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my issue with S4 is how long it takes to get conquest. It would be better if they doubled it and just let you play tons of characters. its the same dam rewards as last season so might as well let us just play alts.

Gear is easy to get. Season 4 is dull too though. It is what it is for re-using the same raids and dungeons being fated.

OP just sounds like a rage post. You can buy your BIS gear through Bullions which drop in LFR. You can get heroic gear at the end of M+ dungeons which easily catalyzes to tier.

Learn to work with people in game and it will be smoother and easier to get gear. Game still has MMO elements and you need other people to suceed in getting what you want. Throwing a hissy fit won’t get you anywhere. It’s not always someone elses fault.

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I wish they could just end it all
No mythic rewards
No New raids (0 Purpose in playing )
Its Just waste of time
Like jeez start the new expansion already