Season 4 Sucks

True. I tend to not give gear advice to ragers that definitely lack the resolve to even try to play the game.

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Only if you’re doing trivial content that rewards vault gear ilvl lower than what you’re already wearing :dracthyr_shrug:


It’s getting harder and harder on these forums to determine where the trolling ends and the dumb begins, or vice versa lol.


also, like… wowhead exists. Google exists.

People who have zero sense to even just try a simple and quick google search to do some research before vomiting all over the forums are so weird to me.

Sure, an argument could be made that if external searches are necessary, it might indicate there’s a bit too much going on in gearing. But that’s a different conversation.

What I’m inferring from this poster is:

  1. I’m very bad at the game
  2. I rage about things I don’t understand
  3. I have no interest in making a shred of an effort to understand
  4. I want to scream and shout in the forums
  5. I’m still not going to unsubscribe even though my own ignorance and unwillingness to attempt research is what’s leading me to revile the game so.

Oh, that’s one other thing they changed this season: if you run 8 heroic or harder dungeons, and you don’t like the loot choices, you can opt to take the 6 tokens at the bottom of the vault UI.

Last seasons 6 of these tokens were required to buy one (1) socket (rings, helm, bracer, belt). Now, 3 tokens buys one (1) socket. So, while the vault is still rng, there’s a bit more of a “consolidation” prize if you feel compelled to grab the tokens, because you can get 2 sockets.

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Wild exaggeration is … wild?! :rofl:

Or get a bag of gold! :smiley:

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I play on a dead server group this season and nothing about their statement is remotely accurate.

But I’m pretty sure by now that we all know we’re dealing with someone completely incapable of helping themselves and just wanting to rage about their own lack of comprehension skills.

This is the kind of person that gets their political takes from Facebook.


It’s depressing because there’s so much truth, there. :sob:


And in other news some of us other players are really having a great time in season 4.


To be fair, finding stuff on the internet is harder these days than it used to be.

Used to be the net was littered with hobbyist sites doing deep dives and putting together compendiums of information.

Nowadays you need to know where you’re going, since nearly all content is machine-driven low-effort drivel designed to get eyes on ads.

Though I would rather people actually asked questions instead of dropping in with guns blazing. Though I get it, he was frustrated.

I guess it could be worse…

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Tell me the last time in the history of wow that a casual player couldn’t Google something like “wow season 4 gearing guide wowhead” for a complete guide on it.

It has never required being some SEO Boolean mastermind, they’re just lazy and dumb.

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Did you even read what he wrote?

I’ve been keeping an eye on the group finder and it’s extremely rare to see a mythic 0 listed. Like, I looked many times and saw none last week.

And if 1 player lists a group, that’s one group. Out of millions of players, or perhaps 100k players who were told right here that they should be farming mythic 0 for weeks until they are fully geared from it, that they should keep running groups even if they are loot locked.

Yet there are rarely any groups. My guess is the plan to get undergeared players and learners to spend 60+ hours a week paying thousands for repairs while getting no loot has been a flop. It looks to me like participation has approached zero.

This is a Blizzard problem. They created it, and only they can solve it. Maybe if they double down the results will be different…

You can play panda remix since if your not going for KSM mount and raid mount, i suggest playing re mix

I’m sure that works, you’re right that they can or should had done that initially (and yes, I’m aware of LMGTFY). But I think a lot of people nowadays default to forums (e.g. Reddit) as their first effort.

Good sites for reviews for example – Anand and Tom’s heydays are long past – have largely been crowded out or replaced. I can imagine a lot of people have thrown up their hands and don’t even bother anymore.

yea I log in to check just now and see many :woman_shrugging: most of them are full on dps, but not all, and it just doesn’t pass the “there are no m0s” sniff test.

I gave him options. he can use them or not, but the fact remains - gearing is easy. don’t even need m0, that’s just one way. can skip it alltogether by picking up the easy dreamsurge gear/gear from world events, and going straight into 2s.

anyone can get a key, even someone at around 485 ilvl.


Oh that colour-coding is nice.

I think it’s a weak aura doing it

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You… You’re aware that you can list your own groups, right?

If no one is listing them, making your own is a sure way of getting a good group built.

I use wind tools and it does this