Season 4 class tuning

Thanks for your update! Some aura tuning would go a long way, especially considering it’s not so much a preferred playstyle, as a “you can’t play anything else because you’ll be pretty far behind in DPS”.

Reduce the sinful brand damage output while increases that of the DH basekit. This will most likely still make Venthyr the strongest pick, but at least gives people the option to play Night Fae again without making a huge sacrifice in their damage output. Sinful brand gameplay will remain largely the same while it doesn’t feel like 1/3rd of your damage is from a dot.

When I look at the logs, there’s not even enough Night Fae Havoc on Mythic or Heroic, 96~99% is Venthyr. Night Fae is easily 2~3k dps behind on ST fights, whereas Night Fae was competing with Venthyr last season as it was much more balanced.

Yes Venthyr is a preferred playstyle, but that’s because the alternative is pretty much non-existent unless you’re getting carried by your raid. This isn’t even talking about M+ where with minimal effort other classes are doing the same dps almost every pack compared to dh bursting everything with meta, which is a 4m CD.

We still have a whole season to go, please don’t make us suffer and hate our mains by forcing a dot gameplay on us. If I wanted to play with dots, I’d have picked another spec.

Can’t wait to see what DF will bring us, because I can’t wait to see Sinful Brand disappear for good (right? :eyes: )