Season 3 Elite Sets

The Mage tint is F tier, sorry. Worst tint color on there.

Maybe if you compare it with the raid tints I might agree, but not the piss colored elite tint

I dunno man I see more gold than piss.

Yeah but “piss color” is lighter than that in my eyes. It’s too dark to be piss.

Unless we’re talking greatly dehydrated piss.

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Mages don’t work out and keep hydrated often, they too busy reading books and doing other nerd shtuff

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Man they really went downhill in the self-care department after Classic huh?

I forgotten about this for years, why have you brought it back to my mind.

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It looks good, but it still looks like a generic priest set. They didn’t take any risks with it like with some others.

ie The DH helm alone elevates the entire tier several spots just by itself

when are you gonna post on ur new main the hpala

This is a fantastic lineup minus the warrior set.

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Rate my mog.

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Monk set looks terrible omg :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


scarlet queen/10

Clearly warlocks are the favorite child.

Government issued missle strike

Hunter killer drone deployed

Bro dont bring up the giant of kandahar as the function…

Also please tell me thats not reall the elite set color for paladin…

Belf Paladins winning, Human Paladins losing.

warrior set is dope if they just swapped out the crew neck for some chainmail

Your ears are still gonna clip and look awful. Human paladins are the only real paladins.

Best tier in terms of looks.