Oh definitely not trolling. I don’t particularly love any of them, but it’s hard to make an enchant that pleases everyone. Personally if we just had 10 colors of shadowflame I’d be ecstatic, but there are also people who hate it.
Sometimes people prefer more subtle things like eternal flux, especually on a busy weapon; it really depends on the transmog.
I also like stuff like primal storm, though, and a lot of people hated that one.
I feel like I also really like sinful, but that’s another unpopular ones.
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Enchants that don’t turn ur weapon into a single solid untextured color are bis
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Here I am wanting more dense/color variations and versions of things like mending, power torrent, colossus, landslide, avalanche, etc.
Why does it just need to be solid with colored dark pixels, give us more substantial stuff.
This right here. If the weapon enchants were done properly to fit all weapon types it would be awesome.
But seems like lately is just some untextured junk on a fixed position and that’s pretty much it.
Most of them look like they are rendered in a lower resolution of some sorts or just a messy graphic texture over one weapon type and screw the others (sorry for bow/guns).
Wait why are bows/guns weapons even denied the chance to be mogged…
Hard to imagine the same people that made DF also made TWW. Feeling like a bridge expansion for sure. Should have just called it DF Lite.
I just want really bright, obnoxious enchants like old crusader or executioner/mongoose
I liked this one too. It’s the only S I played in DF and pretty much the only reason I pushed to 2.1.
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You don’t like your weapon spitting out poop-colored sparks for your pvp enchant. On some real stuff, though, as Kennie said, all they have to do is do things like demonic and glorious tyranny. Everyone is happy. Though they did a whole revamp of mythic+ and nothing for PVP currently and still haven’t listened to a word pvpers have said regarding rewards, hopes are not high. (I want purple glorious tyranny AND MY LIFE IS YOURS )