Season 1 TWW illusion discovered

That’s also a very good point. Crusader used to look like a neon light back in vanilla/tbc/wotlk

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if the illusion iscalled “holy fire” then make it like the dread flame illusion but with holy light colorization. would probably look cool then.


I like the tabard. The enchant sucks (imo).

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That looks amazing

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I kick myself to this very day for not getting Demonic Tyranny
Season 4 DF was trash and now this?
Why do they struggle so hard with making cool illusions?


thats not glorious tyranny shoot even chronos from BFA looks x10 better


The good news is that’s better than S4 the bad news is it’s worse than the other 3 seasons lol

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Chronos is from Legion in Nighthold.
But I agree!
Need to put whoever was in charge of illusions that expansion back in the driver’s seat. Nightmare is sick as well

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I suppose Holy Fire can be cool for certain transmogs, but I wish we’d have gotten a Nerubian-themed illusion fitting with the tabard. There’s the effect on the weapons of the guards which is like a bile of sorts, however for PvP I would’ve used purple and gold swirlies, perhaps a toned-down version of the Tyranny effect. Maybe just adding some other color to the yellow fire (akin to Shadow Flame, as opposed to Bronze Infinite and now Holy Fire only being one major hue). Plenty of cool options we could yet see in future seasons and xpaks, though. I’m looking forward to seeing them :slight_smile:

I mean, it’s a nice illusion.

However, they should really recolor a tyranny & add it to 2400 or something like that.

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Any confirmation on whether illusions are actually down to 1950? Or are they still @ 2100? I also second this, I wish we’d get more ‘elite’ effects on gear like in Legion, and more bombastic illusions at higher ratings to incentivize more play throughout the season.

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Psure they’re still 2100, can’t know for sure till season starts.

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I saw on twitter they datamined it may be 1950. From the PVP interview they did say they wanted to spread out rewards more … not like we have got an update or anything.

They should really make a post outlining the rewards or smthing. Also where tf is our bgb mount? Imagine a neurbian mount with the ally or horde insig on it. Wasted potential honestly.

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Frankly we’re lucky they even make glad and vicious mounts with how low PvP’s engagement is.

This enchant is disappointing and a step down from last expac s1 :frowning:

i never understood why they dont bring them back. is it that they dont have the original files or some ish?

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