Searching for a small guild

Hello! I am a somewhat new player! I have tried several times, over the years, to get into to WoW. I always start out really enjoying the game with a few random people. However, they typically stop playing the game (for whatever reason). I am searching for a small guild that actually has some time and patience for a newer player. I want to learn the ropes and contribute to the guild any way that I can. Thanks!

I recommend checking the Recruiting Discord if you’re not already a part of it. Guilds are sorted by faction, type (CE, AOTC, etc) and raiding schedule (Weekend/Weekday, etc) to make finding a home easier. If you need any help, just post in help and our mods can assist you. :slight_smile: Good luck this tier!


PS you can also search in a specific channel for a certain time by using the search bar and selecting a channel you’re interested in. Once you have that you can put a time or a day, etc in order to make sure that you find guilds that meet your schedule needs. The screenshot below is an example. The right side shows the guilds in Horde CE 3 Day that raid at 10pm.

*I am not sure how attached you are to your realm, but you can check the casual Alliance channels and see if you can find a home that is friendly with an option to raid later. = )

Welcome back to the game! If you’re not suuuuper attached to your faction or server, I can recommend Prowlers of the Night on Mal’ganis. We’re not a tiny guild, but we’re a pretty tight-knit community that have had several new players come in during the past few expansions, and have had no trouble showing them the ropes. On top of the usual stuff like raiding and dungeons, we also talk transmog, achievements, and have a number of folks who are generally pretty helpful. We were all new once.

So yeah, if you don’t mind rolling Horde on Mal’ganis, or you just have some general questions, hit me up on Bnet at Grimme#1479!

Hello Howl! House Brighthammer is a small Alliance guild of about 50 players, though most of us have alts, as well. If you are looking for a new home and a family, and would not mind swapping servers to Wyrmrest Accord, we have room for a new person. We do Mythic Dungeons, world content, achievements, mount hunting, and sometimes PvP together whenever possible in our non-raid times.

I would love to have a chat with you to see if Brighthammer seems like it would suit your needs. I am usually online in game between 10 AM and 10 PM PST. You can reach me by Btag at Aristiri#1425 or Discord at Aristiri#9181.

You can always check on your home server’s forum page as well as you might find a couple on there as well.

If you are not attached to your server, I’am CO-GM of Away Team and Raid Leader… We are 3/8 Heroic and if you want to make friends and possibly get into raiding then look no further!

You can get a hold of me by Battle Tag Medrex#1155.

Hey, welcome back to the game! If you’re interested I run a small tight knit group on Kirin Tor, we raid once per week and are always happy to help show people the ropes as long as they’re willing to learn! My recruitment message is here I hope to chat with you, seems like you could be a great fit for our group.

GM of Missunderstood

Always looking to help and get people active an enjoying the game just add my battle tag and whisper me

Nocturnal Sun on Area52 has a newly forming team recruiting for AotC, we will do mythic once AotC is done. Looking for raiders committed to personal improvement, as well as contributing to a fun team environment. We also take social apps for those not wanting to commit to raiding!

Raid times:
-Sat & Sun 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST

Team Goals:
-AoTC & Mythic Progression at our pace. As we are not in any sort of race mythic progression will be done at a pace that feels comfortable to the team once we reach our goal of AotC.

Team Needs:
High priority to healers or dps with heal off spec, high need for melee classes though DPS of all kinds please contact Jess, exceptional dps will always be considered!

Requirements – Min ilvl of 400 and min neck level of 50 for normal clears, basic knowledge of fights.

About Nocturnal Sun:
-We are a new team; however, a number of the players have raided together before and were 6/8H before this change was made.

  • We are an adult guild, if the occasional joking with each other and swearing bother you then we aren’t the guild for you!
    -We consider the enjoyment of the game and loyalty more important then your parse!

Team Expectations:
-We expect all raiders to hold themselves accountable, take ownership of your mistakes and learn from them. Help is always available if you aren’t understanding something or need clarification.
-We expect each team member to come prepared knowing the strategies for each boss before entering raid by looking at strat/kill videos/warcraftlogs replays.
-We expect all raiders to be able to take constructive criticism well so they can look into their own logs/wowanalyzer to improve their gameplay wherever it is needed.
-We expect raiders to have appropriate addons installed and updated before raid; we use Angry Assignments, GTFO and Weak Auras - this is not optional.

To apply contact:
-Jesseika#11484 (Discord Jesseika#6725) Jessieka
-Shadowiz128#1805 (Discord Shadowiz#3133) Shadowiz
Or fill out an app here

Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to talk to you about joining us