I leveled with imp might and imp sotc. The creep is stronger in classic and those help on elite and named creep. Benediction and parry is 100% useless even in leveling. You having mana or survivability problem might as well go holy.
LMFAO you talk about it as if I am clueless and never experienced it, I played this very pally since 2005 when it was even harder to be a pally than classic, when judgment was not 10 sec c/d but 30 sec and we did not have hammer of wrath; so yes I know how strong the enemies are which is why I have the grand marshal shoulder transmog. When you are leveling surviving is top priority, it doesnt matter how much dmg you can you if you cant outlast the enemy, especially elites. You dont have a tank to hold aggro as you level and the enemy does not attack you, so not going oom while trying to keep yourself alive while dmging will get you kill. You would rather run 3-5 min to your corpse than an extra 30 sec-1min longer on a fight against an elite that you can solo for a quest if you didnt go oom and got kill.
Dude I leveled to 60 as Ret, where are yours?What is point in benediction 40 mana of in a judgement combo at lvl 60. 5 % parry is non-noticeable.
You claimed you played in 2005 on your Draenei paladin, but seriously I don’t care. Taking Benediction and parry is just bad
Ever heard of race change?
News flash, we can pay to change the race of our characters in retail wow.
Every mana counts when you are not holy with weaker heals and are in dmg gears; along with random horde attacks with shammy & priest purging every blessing you put on yourself, or simply swapping blessings based on the situation. Benediction is mainly for blessings & seals mana reduction not judgement’s.
Benediction is even more important at 60 if you dps, most of your mana goes to concentration so saving mana is good. Also you clearly dont know how to read, I was talking about leveling I even mention that it should be taken at max level pvp. If you even get to dps in raids, you wont even get to judge judgement onto a mob nor boss because it takes in 1 of the debuff slot.
Benediction does not reduce mana cost on blessing, only seal and judgement. Stop it is useless like that parry talent
I got it wrong that it affects blessing, but to reduce the seal cost on max command; it is especially more useful in pvp when you get a shammy spam purge you and you cant judge them; and looking at your gear you’re either just 59 like it says on here or new to 60 and still dont know how it will be like once you are doing things at 60. Ret has only 3 paths, respec more into holy to heal, pvp like I did or pray that a guild will let you dps in a raid.
There is bg at least until next year, vsing shaman purging you, you use tank 1 SoCom. Ret is mostly a solo spec
Don’t listen to Procidin, Imp. Judgment is “meh” and Parry is without a doubt the best leveling talent. Not only does Parry increase damage (increased attack speed after parrying) but it reduces total physical damage taken by 5%.
I’m necroing and stealing this thread…
What about a crit build using sotc and kings? command just for the judgment. Would a fast weapon with the 40% speed buff and a high crit rate compete with a soc build?
Just exactly what is the sotc dmg decrease? What are the numbers?
It seems like white dmg, which is always a good portion of melee dps, would greatly benefit from sotc and crit.
I’ll test it regardless I think, but does someone already have the numbers? If so, hit me with all the info you have. Was the int talent worth it? Or just 5 in holy?
Benediction allows us to have almost 1 extra Holy Light by the time we are going oom, and can save a fight. Don’t need that mana for a heal? Good. Keep doing the most damage you can for longer.
Deflection doubles your chance to parry, thereby granting you a 10% opportunity to block an attack, and immediately strike back. Almost a mini-reckoning that is less fatal to the paladin.
You should just stop. Everything you post is garbage.
Aren’t people being a little harsh on Crusader? It feels like it’s an overall DPS upgrade at low level, at least until Seal of Casino.