<Sea Wolves> Neutral RP Guild

Flyers are posted around various cities written in a elegant script. A fair drawing of a ship adorns the top of the parchment. Below that are details about a ship in search of a crew.

Are you looking for adventure? Do you prefer the feel of a deck beneath your feet and the ocean breeze in your face? Then come join the Sea Wolves! look for Captain Alyzabeth Kearse for a life at sea! Come find us in Booty Bay!

Who are we?
We are currently an Alliance based, pirate themed RP guild. Sea Wolves is neutral towards the Horde and we’re open to the idea of expanding one day.

Alliance: Alyzabeth or Bartimay
Horde: Kupsy or Fertt

What are our goals?
We want to help revive the Alliance RP community on WRA, and just have a good time in general. We may expand beyond RP, but that is our main focus for the moment.

If you are interested then please post questions below, or contact Alyzabeth in game via mail or whisper. We now have a Horde side to the guild! The Sea Wolf.


If the Seas call your name, and you seek a chance at adventures and fame, look no further than the Sea Wolves!

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I’d be interested in potentially joining.

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Awesome! Shoot me an in game mail, or DM me. I usually play in the evenings, but I should be around off and on all day today.

There is also plenty of rum in the Sea Wolves socks!

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We’re still lookin’ for more crew members. Be sure ta come find me.

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Who floats on a pine barrel out in the sea?
Sea Wolves in sweat pants!

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This sea wolf approves.


Fair enough. lol

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I sure like workin’ with them.

((Full disclosure, this is still Beth. I just wanted to give the post a post))

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I am interested in joining, is there anything special to enlist into your guild?

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(Just have a basic idea for your character, and we’ll RP our characters meeting to that you can officially be brought aboard. There’s not to much to it.

Message me in game, I usually play in the evenings, or send me an in game mail. You can also apply to the guild.)

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Thank you for the fast response. I will try to catch you tonight.

Sure thing! I’ll see you in game.

Sea Wolves is growing, but we still need more crew still! (This is Beth)

I should update the first post, but if you want to join but don’t really think your character would, then press ganging them into the guild is absolutely an option.

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Ye be waiting to join the sea wolves I see. Come with me and I can show you the way.

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I appreciate tha help Sneevil. We’re startin’ ta plan adventures now 'at we ‘ave more crew. Don’ miss out.

Nice people. Share meat. Let sleep in crows nest. Sock silver safe for sleep.

Ye don’ have ta sleep in tha crows nest, though.