<Scripted> | 9/9H 3/9M | Tue/Thu 8-11pm EST | Recruiting DPS/heals


2023-07-20T04:00:00Z .,


hey i just filled out the application. id be interested in talking more about yalls progression path and goals

1 Like

Hey appreciate it I’ll get back to you.

2023-07-22T04:00:00Z .

2023-07-23T04:00:00Z .

2023-07-25T04:00:00Z .

2023-07-26T04:00:00Z .

2023-07-27T04:00:00Z .

2023-07-27T04:00:00Z .

2023-07-27T04:00:00Z .


What’s up tracknkill :smiley:

? this isnt tracknkill if you actually looked at the account you would realize this just another tired of the on going actions from your guild

1 Like

2023-07-31T04:00:00Z .

2023-08-01T04:00:00Z .

2023-08-02T04:00:00Z .

2023-08-03T04:00:00Z .
