Scourged wildlife and plants

So…Lordaeron. The land, not the country. Everything in it seems to be plagued in some way with undeath. The animals continue long after they’ve started necrotizing, some being nothing more than mummified fur and bone. The brush grows a strange brown color, and is brittle to the touch. The trees are either bare or look to be in a permanent autumnal state, yet can still be seen…pulsating…
How are the cleansing efforts going? Have they finally removed the taint of death from the ground? Will lordaeron ever truly recover? :worried:

I like to go there and cackle sometimes, but no, it doesn’t look like it will ever truly recover, unfortunately.

Cackle? Goodness do you have something against lordaeron? Did king Terenas banish your family or something? :joy:

Goodness, no! All places are fine by me. I just like to /cackle.


Fair enough! Power to you then!:slight_smile:

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The western plaguelands are doing quite well all things considered.

True - though if we look back, the attempts at the menders stead at regrowth revealed that the curse ran as deep as the earth - though it might look okay, the plants still carry the plague and often animate and attempt to spread it. Animals born there carry it as well. Then of course there’s the forsaken occupation of Andorhal, which is rather unfortunate for any restoration efforts.

check back in 9.3

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Gods willing.

I’d love to see a patch that focuses on rebuilding for once rather than destroying.

We have three homeless races, and two races whose homes are an irradiated hellhole and cramped island respectively.

Some healing and relocation would be nice.


It would make a nice druid quest.

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