Scheduled Maintenance is only on Tuesdays not

or…and hear me out on this…

we can recognize that the OP is being pointlessly hysterical and entitled over 20 minutes of downtime and we can proceed accordingly.

why do we always have to sympathize with idiots?


It’s funny because I actually do have a life. Just not impressed with the lazy unplanned downtown to which I pay for a product. This is called holding the corporation accountable. And it’s every customer’s duty to perform.

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So you would rather they just let bugs and issues go until the following Tuesday instead of fixing them quickly?

I would think you’d rather have the product you paid for working properly.

What I wish they would stop doing is calling every maintenance period scheduled, it’s ok to call it emergency maintenance. Happens where I work, the secretary doesn’t lie to our customers and say the parts we are producing for them will be delayed due to scheduled maintenance, they straight up say, something went wrong, we needed to shutdown for emergency maintenance.

Well with that logoc any tiome one can not play the game should be considered down time . So should Blizz refund us for the time we can’t play due to real life like working , going to school , sleeping, eating , taking a dump or other activities like going to movies or going on vactions where we would be away from the game?

Lets be honest here . People like the OP make threads like this because they are only happy when they can complain about things.

I am willing to bet this little forum troll would be making a thread complaining if Blizz didn’t go down for extra maintenance to fix problems.