Scarlet Crusade Alliance Reconnections

I have been scrolling looking for… something. I cannot remember the guild name or any the other members’ names - except one, Nighthunter. He was one of the very first players that I met when I started playing back in 2005.

My character’s name was Deathemar, a Night Elf Hunter. I also played a Human Paladin right after that which I do not remember the name to now, and a Dwarf Priest named Salvador right after the Paladin.

As I said I cannot remember the guild’s name but Elune’s Vengeance does sound vaguely familiar. If you or anyone else reading this remembers Deathemar, please let me know. Though I cannot remember the guild name or any of the member’s names, it is the one guild out of many that I have known over the years that I constantly look back on and remember fondly. I wish I wouldn’t have fell out of touch and would love to reconnect!! :slight_smile:

[EDIT] I think I remember one more name, or at least it was similar - Moonhuntress. And I do remember we were a very small, close-knit guild. We regularly ran with a NE Warrior as our tank, a NE (???) Priest, and NE Druid when we ran dungeons. We did not do any raiding, at least while I was there.

That wasn’t for very long i’m surprised you remember lol.

Maddawik, Nelf rogue used to be part of Ascendance (some former members of SA) during BC days - looking for Kornsaratar, the awesome aussie rogue who taught me how to rogue. Also looking for Balkar(?), shadow priest who bought me my flying training & mount when I hit 70. I owe you guys a beer.

Played a few characters back then but mainly Lifegiver, Human Priest in Scarlet Aristocracy and then I moved on to Orderr, Draenei shaman in Ascendence and then Absolution for most of BC.

Played a lot with Verigan (Human Paladin) and Ransyd (Human Warlock), both of which should be back for Classic.

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Zentao, having a look at your hunter’s known history, it shows you in one guild in 2005. Scarlet Protectors. Known ex-members of the guild are Bigears, Brid, Deathe, Edeenor, Feralfaun, Haarley, Ladyfaith, Mejohlnr, Ravensblood, Rinoa, Rosalynn and Zeriel. Moonhuntress was in a guild called Twilight’s Legacy before joining Scarlet Protectors. Hope this info helps you! :slight_smile:

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Xalea here, same… Xalea I suppose hehe. I mostly grinded the PVP ladder back in the day, I’m sure some will remember how much fun that was! I remember a few of you too! :heart_eyes:

Wow, thanks bunches for the info! None of those names ring any bells unfortunately and it doesn’t list Nighthunter or any variant spelling of that name which is the one I absolutely remember for sure. :confused:

ohhey there, Idk if kyrsha still plays, havn’t seen krysha since like… middle of BC

I might/might not play classic but yeah.

Was Kirimoonstoe, Nelf warrior, various guilds. I don’t really remember the names :x

Shu here! Planning to play on Grob horde-side or possibly bloodsail if the PvP is unbearable. What’s your bnet? :smiley:


Gugizimo here. I was in a lot of guilds (Eternal, Dark Heaven, The Haven, The Eternal Balance, Ladies Of Destiny, Satori, etc.) prior to leaving Scarlet Crusade. I’m still kicking about and playing casually, likely won’t have time for Classic. Feel free to add me on Bnet (Gugi#1219) or Discord (Gugi#0769).

Ps. If you remember me it was probably when I was about 14-15 years old: sorry.


Wow, now that’s an old name!

Okita/Atiko. Nelf/Undead Warrior.
Dia Shiden/Amice (horde)
Dabbled in a BG or two I think, shout out to my Ramrod boys and DS.


Sent you an add brother, Xionn on both. Looking forward to catching up.

Hi former and current SCers!

This is Kymothia, 60 nelf token shadow priest, (Liesh! All liesh! I’m totally shober!..hic!) /Felixia, 60 nelf hunter. I raided primarily with The Conclave during Vanilla. For those who don’t remember, it was a large group of small guilds who raided together. My chars were in my own small guild, I think it was called Vindicta Acerbe? Something like that.

I know I also participated in some other guilds’ runs, Scarlet Aristocracy and one other larger guild I’m forgetting. I was around on SC for years in various guilds after Vanilla too. You might remember me from later also. Unlike Gugizimo though, I wasn’t nearly as vocal in general chat during raids, so you might not also. =P

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Aerwen - Human Rogue I played in Scarlet Aristocracy & A Steamy Hot Romance Novel. Looking for my wow bestie: Gerwen - Nelf Hunter find me @ aliisakoi#1533

LOL sorry ur gonna have to copy and paste this LMAOOO its

Haha. I think it’s cos that was the guild you were in when I first met you.

Samarrah here, resto druid. I remember you from Dark Heaven. Didn’t we sacrifice you in the lava at the start of every MC run? Good times.
Also remember your runecloth grind and how happy you were when you got your ram mount haha

Hey Aracelis - I think we healed together! Doing great and looking forward to Classic launch. I’ll be on the Pagle server.

Any Legio Fidelis guild members back? Leeha (60 Rogue) here. Love to catch up.