Scarab Scouting quest bugged

Bugged… definitely bugged… continues rocking in corner

Just adding to previous comments. Previously saw un-interactable mounds, just came back today and there’s nothing in the area at all. Stagshell follows me around doing nothing.

I guess in a way it’s appropriate that Azj-Kahet has lots of bugs in it. I just wish it had the multi legged kind rather than the progress stopping kind.

Didn’t work for me yesterday either.

Same problem here, it’s the only quest holding me back from finishing Sojourner of Azj-Kahet. No mounds at all, bug just follows me around doing nothing.

bug in beta, bug in early access, bug in release. may be remove the quest ? or don’t let that person design same quest again EVER!.

…w8 a minute BLIZZ is this same D4 dev who designed the buggy “Crane Tribe” barb quest?

Yep, it’s different bug, but bug nonetheless. Instead of our scarabs not interacting with the dirt mounds, thee’s no mounds at all.

Yeah, the things are gone. It’s amazing how long this has gone on.

Are we screwed all weekend long? I wanted lore master finished on this day. Will they rollback the day I get loremaster? ffs…

This has been bugged for days. It is still bugged. Remove the quest from the game if you can’t program it correctly.

I don’t even see the dirt mounds any more.

Throwing my lot in here too. Super bugged and the only quest keeping me from loremaster at this point.

Same issue as well

Same issue here

where is my truffle?

Putting myself on the list as well… dropped quest, not in group, etc… never can pick up anything…

Can @blizzard send me a notification once this bug is fixed? I would love to complete Loremaster. :frowning:

Last part for Loremaster as well… last night i couldnt click dirt mounds, today there isnt any mounds to try to click. Progress? or a step back. Wish i could finish either way :frowning:


Bugged … literally & …well literally again…
I guess if you look at the bright side - A bugged bug quest is an epic troll.

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Now I can’t see any volatile soil sections at all :grimacing:


Did not pick the General this week and still cannot see the mounds.