Scarab Scouting quest bugged

Bug quest bugged and Blizz not bugged over it

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Final quest series I need for Sojourner of Azj-Kahet and this quest is still bugged. Submitted a bug report yesterday, and it’s still not fixed. Please fix.

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Joining the party, same here and last for Sojourner

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Same, this is progression blocking.


Same here bugged for me. 11:08 PM EST 8/29/24


Bugged same problem.


+1, bugged


same. exact same issue as the other here report. literally cant do anything with it

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Here to report that it’s bugged for me too. Blizz please fix this!

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Still cannot complete this quest. Any solutions?

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Same here, can’t even get the first one

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Same here, can’t interact with the dirt piles.

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Sadly bugged here also. Hope they get a fix for this soon, would love to finish all the quests in the zone. Thank you.

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Bugged as well, can’t interact with dirt piles at all

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Bugged as well, can’t interact with dirt piles

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To get all the way to the finish line and not be able to complete sojourner for this zone is MEGA tilting.


Bumping for relevance.

While doing the quest “Scarab Scouting”, regardless of which Scarab you choose, it will not interact with the kaheti truffles. logging out, reloading, dropping the quest, leaving the zone, and exiting the client did not work.

Daerilynn, Moon Guard

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Another hotfix just went through yet this quest is still bugged.

Can confirm abandoning quest or changing beetle won’t fix… going to move on to other quest until fix.

Yup, this quest is still bugged.