Scarab Scouting quest bugged

GM replied to me but they dont know either. They thought I was in a grp and hence it wasnt working, which wasnt the case.
Tough I did try to form a group and then asked the random guy to kick me from said grp right after.
Then I reaccepted said quest and it was still not working… sigh.
Ohwell. Not like we can complete sojourner right now anyways with that one Hallowfall quest being timegated until probably next wednesday.

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Still bugged, this needs to be fixed ASAP to complete the zone story line.


Same issue with Scarab Scouting, you can select the Volatile Soil but you cannot interact with it by hotkey or clicking. Tried this last night as well with the same issue, was hoping it was resolved.

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im encountering the same issue, none of the Volatile Soils are able to be interacted with. I’ve even abandoned the quest and tried a different swarmbeast.

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Same here i have tried every trick in the book

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WTB fix so I can has Sojourner for this area. XD


Same issue

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Just want to add my voice to the list. Tried all the usual thins to get the quest to work but even after multiple server resets i am unable to do this quest.

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i am having the same issue

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Same issue, cant interact with the volatile soil

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Same issue here.

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Same Problem.

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Tried selecting different beetles. Abandoned and restarted the quest. Still cant interact with the volatile soil.

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Add one more to the pile.

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Same here. Can’t interact with the dirt at all. I can see them, and target them, but can’t click/interact with them to complete the quest.

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same issue here
at least I’m not the only one :slight_smile:

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Same issue.

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yeah same, nothing works.

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yeah same, nothing works.

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Nothing works

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