Scan & Repair Loop

I decided to run a Scan & Repair. After it finished, I got a “Whoops, something went wrong” error. Now the Launcher is sitting at Update and I can’t log in. I’ve run the repair 3 times and each time, I get the error message.

I have no idea what to do. Help! :’(

I recently had the same thing happen to me.

The only thing that worked for me was to uninstall and reinstall the app, then uninstall and reinstall the whole game. I actually had to uninstall Classic Wow and WotLK Classic also, via the Bnet app. For some reason, not doing so kept the loop happening.

I also had to go through my computer and make sure ALL folders for WoW and the app were deleted after the uninstall—just to make sure everything was gone before I reinstalled those.

You can save your addon folder somewhere else and move it back after you’ve reinstalled everything. This way you keep those saved and don’t have to redownload them.

There are other suggestions floating around the forums lately. You might try some of those first. I tried everything and nothing was working, so I went this route.

Plus I was having a problem with my router, so I connected directly to the Internet via my modem. Even after I was able to reinstall everything, my router was still causing me problems staying connected in the game. I found some obscure suggestion somewhere to “clone my computer’s MAC address” in the router settings, and that fixed my connection problem. Now I wonder if that might have been causing my other problems with the Bnet app looping during scan and repair.

Thank you for the reply.

I really dont want to have to uninstall and reinstall everything. New computer 2 weeks ago and I just did a fresh install. Ugh!

Yeah, doing a complete reinstall was my very last step. I have a sluggish DSL connection, so downloading the game took almost 24 hours.

Some people seem to be having success following the suggestion here: Infinite updating loop - #32 by Exxaxion-drakkari

You might try that first.

The weird thing for me was that everything was working perfectly fine for hours, days, and weeks, then I paused playing for a couple hours and came back only to find I couldn’t stay connected and, when I tried a scan and repair, I got that infinite loop.

I’m in no way an expert on these matters, heh. I do wonder if some kind of security feature was implemented by someone in the chain—Blizzard, my ISP, auto updates to modem or router, or even auto updates to my PC’s Windows Defender—that started causing this disconnection problem and, later, the scan and repair problem. But after all the steps I mentioned above, I was finally able to play again, just a few hours ago.

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Skedew, I owe you a beer. I followed the instructions in the link you provided and it worked. So relieved! Thank you!! :heart:

On a side note, never doing a Scan & Repair, ever again! LOL

I deleted all of the wow folders ( Cache, Fonts, Interface, Logs, Utils and the appropriatly named WTF folder )… I restarted the comp and the update started/completed properly…

I have uninstalled/clean installed/rebooted BNet and WoW with various other actions so many times I cannot even. I have another thread detailing the fact my game won’t load (somehow posted under a character I forgot I even had) but this topic is regarding the Scan & Repair. I have spent about 10 hours troubleshooting to get my game to load and if my Scan & Repair had been working, I would have been back to running around like an idiot in the Maw in no time. :<

Scan & Repair runs but it gets stuck at 10%, 34%, and 30%, even overnight with my Sleep mode turned off. I did try the suggestion to delete .idx and other \data contents (Thanks Skedew!) to no avail.

Hoping there’s a fix soon. I’m kind of done with troubleshooting WoW, sub runs out in Jan or Feb and I probably won’t renew if this problem isn’t fixed. Been on here since the Beta Beginning and husband and I have had tons of fun with it. Date Night should always involve a corpse run! Would hate to let this sub run out but I’ll do it, by cracky!

did u even knowwww!

when aimbot is used it turns on and off!!!
for cerpalsy paitence sight capturasatiomn

did u even know blizzzard!!!

kelc has been taling about this all day
u autoassist xy movements left onnn??? or offffffffffff???

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