Say yes to corporate greed!

was alliance on a pve server, paired on its battlegroup with a horde pvp server that ran nothing but premades. we never won. until i figured it out. haha

premades man, great if you’re in them, sucks if you’re not.

tell me about it. those were the days of the twink too. you can just imagine

as someone who only cares about end game, I’ve always found it hard to wrap my head around twinking.

You don’t even have fun spells at 19 but people love it for some reason lol. To each their own.

well i made the fateful mistake of discovering the silverwing quartermaster outside the wsg portal in ashenvale. she had beautiful level 29 epic bracers for the low low price of honor badges or something like that. i had to have those bracers. 2 weeks of re-que-ing wsg over and over, 10 hours a day and not winning a single one. no timer. had to win to get badges. yeah. :rofl:

The sad thing is that people that complain about the corporate greed will continue to give their money to corporations, thus not helping the situation.

If you really hate corporations that much, you should go buy indie games. Those people are super passionate about what they do, and can use the money way more than any big publisher.

But to complain about greed while also being part of the issue is just silly.

I’m not complaining about the greed, I’m complaining about the complaining… I’m metacomplaining, there’s a difference!

I wasn’t talking about your post, I was talking about the posts that goes “Blizzard is greedy” or “Blizzard is not what it used to be” etc. I too am sick of the complaining, I don’t get why people don’t just stop supporting companies they don’t like. It’s not like WoW is a life saving medicine.

I was joking. I should have put a /s I guess.

And why do you need a character clone if you plan on having a different character to play TBC? You can just choose to park your gnome in a forever Classic server and make another character for free. Or vice versa, move your gnome to tbc, make another classic only character.

cause i want 2 mages. haha

I mean, if you have the money go for it, but I think people are severely overrating the popularity of Classic locked servers for such an investment.

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i’d do the same for tbc when/if classic wotlk comes out. then i can revisit my 3 fav eras of wow

Yes, to Corporate Greed!

Create Seasonal Servers for that “fresh” appeal and then charge them to save/archive their characters ($35+), onto Perma ones, as the Seasonal Servers self delete. And, restart this process, over and over, again. Cha-Ching, Cha-Ching!

30 minutes of real life work, enjoying my spare time with the Fiance vs no life grinding to 58… Tough choice… toughhhh choice… lmao I would buy a hundred boosts just to make these basement trolls more mad

I know right? Completely the wrong farm animals. Everyone knows that cows would be a better fit since they get milked on the regular

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