Say something nice about yesterday's patch

I am really enjoying having talents back to play around with again!

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I like the UI. I got it where it works well for me. I’m pleased with the Warrior talent tree.

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I like the ‘change whenever you want as long as it’s not in combat’ as well. Such a nice change and gives you more room from boss to boss. Oh and the import function is beautiful.

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I greatly enjoy the changes to rogue PvE wise.

Outlaw is much funner now than it ever was in all of SL.

Sharing mob tags between factions is certainly handy.

Im loving the UI and talents.
My spec plays better than ever and i no longer need to keep looking at the top left corner of my screen.

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Enjoying most of the new stuff, the new talents, no faction tagging, and the UI.

I would not play WoW with just the old bars, so until Bartender updated (which thankfully was usually very quick) I just didn’t play. And yes while the new UI bars may not replace bartender, they are a huge improvement over what was before. I will play WoW if Bartender hasn’t updated or goes away, because I can make my bars in whatever layout I would want now base UI.

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So relatable lol

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More character slots!

I think the talent trees are neato.

I think some of the new visuals of the UI elements look good.

I was just hoping for a fully customizable UI. I want to be able to move and resize everything on the UI.

Also, from the little bit I poked around, I didn’t care for the new profession panel.

You don’t need addons for the UI. However, IMO, addons like Bartender, MoveAnyThing, and Blizzmove, still make the UI look much better.

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The cinematic was good.

I will say that i did get my second warglaive on my monk yesterday, so that’s a definite plus.

I had alot of fun last night doing world quests and lower mythic plus while dual wielding the glaives.