Saving private Derek!

I’ve been saving this post just for the new forums.

I think that if the writers are going to make accommodations for Sylvanas loyalists, then I only think it’s fair that they do the same for people who don’t want to be complicit in her amoral activities.

To this end I believe we should have the option to free Derek from captivity within the halls of Dazar’alor or god forbid ask Baine to do it. Maybe point him in the right direction and allow him to go off and find his family. Because I just think it’s pretty unfair that we gotta run around Kul’tiras robbing and desecrating graves and pillaging towns.

So It would only be fair if we were allowed to at least try being heroic for a change, and free a man who was unwillingly resseructed and is now being brainwashed to kill his family, all the while begging and pleading for us to help him. It’s pretty abnoxious that both the player AND Baine just gawk at him screaming and suffering, only to then walk away.

Maybe they can patch it in come 8.1.5 where we get an option to free him or ask Baine to free him, go on a short quest pointing him in the right direction and allow fate to decide what comes next for him.


Honestly just move him out of the main area into a secret chamber.

So if we choose not to help break him, at least we can have the justification that we don’t know where Sylvanas is holding him.


I agree somewhat. More story options are great, but when is a good time to get that options? Do you really want to spend that options on Derek or save it for the Sylvanas and Saurfang storyline.

This seem like petty theft compared to some of the crap we’ve done.

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I don’t know, I think I’d rather Derek just gets used for the plot Sylvanas is using him for and be done with his involvement in the story completely.

I’m still irritated he’s The Big Thing that pulled the Horde’s collective heads out of the sand and I don’t want any more emphasis on how his suffering is the worst thing ever while the dead being raised in Darkshore apparently don’t matter at all.


No, I think blizzard has wasted enough screen time on this plot point.

Blizzard has trying to make it a unforgivable sin, which is rather aggravating consider that players were complicate in genicide a patch ago.

I would open for some sort appeasement for Teldrasil, a choice or quest line that achowleges what was done. Because, honestly that was truly unforgivable.

While Derek is only relevant because of his relationship to Pity Queen Jaina.


That choice would make one hell of a branching quest chain.

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isn’t that what sylvanas wants? condition derek to want to murder his family, then let the alliance have him? when you set him free how do you know its not already too late and by helping him return home you are actually helping sylvanas

I think he’s talking about before his mind is “conditioned”

thats assuming you make it in time.

That would be one helluva fast conditioning. I mean, she tried to ‘condition’ Koltira before who she held in captivity within the Undercity for since Cata for around 3-4 years in the game world until the Deathlord and Thassarian sprung him in Legion and he STILL wasn’t conditioned.

Idk how the whole brainwashing thing works, but chances are, they’re going to speed it up with Derek for the plot’s sake of the plot rather than explain why it would take around to condition Derek while it took around 4 years to not break Koltira.

i just wonder why blizzard is putting so much effort in this plot point.
seems like a huge waste of spotlight, especially if is going to end badly.

is this really the ultimate weapon from the horde? using empathy against the alliance?


This is really my sentiment on the whole matter. I really don’t care about Derek, think the plan to use him to kill his family is dumb, and find the drama surrounding the whole thing to be really contrived - on top of the fact that this isn’t really an interesting plot point to begin with. I wonder if it’s just a product of having written themselves into a corner a second time by taking away the Tide Scepter so quickly and realizing they’ve got nothing left to work with aside from him.


To be fair, it is interesting.
but is kinda like a plot point to push the more the alliance drama.
If derek kills katherine or tandreed or jaina (unlikely) , the most affected in a narrative sense would be the alliance.
regardless if derek kills someone, i personally think that most alliance players are waiting on the reaction from jaina/alliance to this, if she is going to accept him,or how she is going to interact with him, but i don’t think that horde players should or would care about that.

i find myself in a position where “i want to know what happens next”.
but This encounter is only possible thanks to the horde. so they are being used as plot devices,that is kinda unfair.

i would remind that koltira was a hardened death knight, while derek is very mentally vulnerable post raising

There’s also the fact that Blizzard dropped his plot thread for about six years purely because it “didn’t fit” in any of the big narratives they were telling.

There’s a fairly good chance they either didn’t remember Koltira when they considered how this would work with Derek or Sylvanas has a handy little weapon hidden away inside the Ebon Blade.