Save or spend honor/conquest with 9.1 close?

Just wondering what the advice here would be on this. Should I spend my honor/conquest now to move up some gear to 197/200 or should I wait for 9.1 and possibly use it to get even better gear once the patch hits?

Spend it. No telling if blizzard will reset conquest/honor next patch or not. Also we are still months (I think) away from 9.1

Usually they convert unspent currencies to gold, so saving it is pretty pointless.

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If I were you, I would convert honor to marks at the vendor for t mogs, since 197 gear is basically worthless right now.

I don’t think conquest can be exchanged for anything worth long term value like marks of honor, so may as well grab a couple pieces of 200 gear if you have conquest.

I think they have reset honor and conquest basically every season since Wrath.

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