Save Fresh Servers for p2 of TBC

so there are more people playing and invested in TBC. Let TBC explode with popularity during Kara.

But I probably don’t need to tell Blizzard this since doing this gets them more money anyway LOL

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Nice troll. I know what inspired it. Say it with me. D E L A Y E D x F E R

That’s right. It’s the thing all the modern WoW player who forum bomb dare not discuss, because it would actually work to make Classic WoW TBC a humongous success while keeping fresh start and transfer servers as one. Yeeeessss. I hope you dream of it tonight. I hope it wakes you with fright. Imagine all those thoughts that drove you to buy gold and grind past midnight to prep to dominate a TBC server all go poof. That’s right. Delayed transfer won’t allow you to get your flying mount first and send your bot army into the fields to control gathering spawns. Delayed transfer will mean that your loads of mats won’t be the first, so you won’t be able to price gouge. Yes. Yeeessss. You know that delayed transfer is the cure for everything griped about here recently. And your revenge in this post is to ask for fresh servers to be delayed. I know. Everything.

As you point out, it’s most likely to happen this way. Blizzard won’t want two of their games competing with dueling launches.

I hope you know then that you couldn’t be more wrong LOL

I’ve never bought gold - heck, I’ve never even been boosted or in a high-paying gdkp! Not to say many others haven’t but you are absolutely barking up the wrong tree. The best way to go about TBC is honest to goodness what they’re already planning on doing, which is giving players significantly more exp leveling from 30 to 60.

Everyone having to create fresh toons to get to TBC is a ludicrous proposition. Many people like myself have leveled through every single zone honest at this point for their desired faction (or even both factions) and don’t wish to do that again. Convincing their die-hard audience not to play the first few months of the expansion if they don’t want to do the exact same thing they did two years ago on release is the worst decision they could possibly make. That is burnout on a platter for the masses and will absolutely tank their numbers, both then and in the future.

It won’t “tank numbers.” All you forum bombers peddle profit fears - threatening lost subs and promising profit in nefarious ways. Only modern WoW lovers will be angry for not having full favor by their beloved Blizzard, but of them who choose not play Classic WoW vanilla content they will happily play Shadowlands in wait. The reality is that Blizzard will gain sub by catering to everyone who does not play Shadowlands. That is so obvious that I am surprised you responded with anything, much less this baseless threat of lost subs. No modern WoW slave will unsub because of Classic WoW decisions. However, player who only visit Classic WoW will sub contingent on favorable Classic WoW conditions. A-B decision makers are not that stupid, so you are not fooling anyone.

I feel like fresh would happen anyway during a content lull in BC (originally that was the wait for the BT patch, but I have a feeling content will be gated differently in TBC Classic). It just makes more sense. I would 100% consider a fresh classic, but not if it were launched with TBC since my focus would be TBC. If it were delayed a few months? 100% would play on it. Not as a main, but I would definitely play it.

Dude don’t engage him. He’s a troll. He thinks anyone who disagrees with him is a gold buyer. You’re wasting your time. Just report him and move on.