Save alleria's appearance

Or the Alexstrasza stuff before DF.


People on here get brutally upset when a named NPC does and doesn’t show a belly button. Asking them to remember art work is sadly a pipedream.


This is true. Same happened when Sylvanas lost her exposed midriff, and there was even a story reason for it. She had to cover up the hole Godfrey left in her.


I like her new look.


Yes, her new design is ugly as hell but rather than asking why she was redesigned, what we should be asking is if we’ll be allowed to butcher her and desecrate her corpse for loot that will give us a 0.000000000001% increase to our worst stat?

She’s just an elf. They should make her a Draenei obviously. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Laughs in elf superiority

She needs a pair of snazzy crocs.


As spiffy as those look, do you understand the amount of unbridal outrage that the forums and social media would summon forth do to the amount of calf and ankle exposure Alleria would have?

We are not ready for that level of tantrum yet, nor do I think we will ever be


But, we already have NPCs and our own character mogs with exposed calves and ankles? I do not remember the world burning over these:


Close! She is actually a void elf!

Or did you just black out during the cutscene where she absorbed an entire fallen naaru and it transformed her?

I for one love her new look.


Translation: I’m old, fashion has moved on without me and I’m afraid of change.


True, but those NPCs are not as “beloved” as Alleria, Sylvanas or Jaina. Exposing more skin to even covering up a minor amount of skin on any of those three is grounds for world wide outrage (according to past WoW Forums posts) and global tantrums.

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I’m a brave person. I’m willing to take that risk. We do it together fam. One pixel at a time if we must!


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I’ll take things that aren’t true for 500 Alex.


I figured it was one of the artists at Blizz secretly admitting that they liked the live action version of Aeon Flux.

Check her ring finger because I think she just became an assassin


I personally agree that her green and gold palette was unique and really good, and I also like it more than her new look. That said, gotta just move on. Maybe some day she’ll be back, but they’re not going to revert her right after turning her into this, after producing the key art and likely the model already, maybe even cinematics. This is just how she’s going to look for the time being, and they’re going to really play up the void infusion she got way back in Legion.

Best to just accept it for the time being, let blizzard know you preferred the old style, and hope that some day, years down the road, maybe she’ll get a little bit back to her old self.

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Same and honestly i feel like a lot of the feedback against her new look is very suspect when people start using certain terms or language

Like I’m not sure what this is meant to convey