It’s hip to be square.
It’s art, it’s a video game. Blizzard can do what they want with their fictional characters.
This is sad.
Really? ALL women are women, that includes transwomen.
Too bad there are no “DEI metrics”.
They’re not as expensive as one thinks…
Hard covers tend to be a little bit but still.
My grandfather and father were in the printing business.
Well, when you’re in charge of the art team, you can dictate how she looks.
doesn’t that speak to kinda how scrawny male belves are? (no offense intended to them)
I tried!
I really did!
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is in my top three most played Super Nintendo games behind Zelda: Link to the Past and Super Mario World.
But it always ended in tears…
…of laughter at the character appearances. I just can’t take it seriously, the hair especially.
(For the record, I can’t take mechagnomes seriously either. They are just a laughing fit waiting to happen {for the love of god, someone put pants on them!} but there aren’t enough around for it matter.)
Used to be a high elf but now she is now a Void elf.
It’s like watching someone buy an old house and paint perfectly good wood panel or brick white.
if we know about it its already done
Come on, lol. Changing clothes is nothing like that. Besides, she’s voidy now. Naturally that’s going to effect some changes in her.
Taking with a huge grain of salt being what today is.
If they change her they change her. Who knows, maybe she got tired od wearing the same exact thing for so long.
Even NPCs need a change of clothes now and then.
Y’all need therapy, she looks good.
2 + 2 = 4!
There are four lights!
The Emperor has no clothes!
As a fan of void elves, I’m glad they’re making her look more edgy. Looks much lore fitting for the leader of my fave race
She’s a cartoon character on par with Disney style characters. You guys really need to get out into the real world if you’re sexualizing cartoon characters like this.
I have zero idea what this is about, I rarely pay attention to npc’s outfits but
this is hilarious.
Edit: realized who I was replying to, decided not to feed the troll.
Only way to tell the Windrunners apart is by color coding them, and Alleria wearing Vereesa’s colors throws me off.
I think her recent design looks pretty cool but i do like the color green associated with her.