Save alleria's appearance

That’s your opinion. And I don’t share it. So nothing you say is gonna make me think the old outfit is better. Sorry :dracthyr_shrug:


Alleria dances on my mailbox…

No its not facts. Just because you don’t like something changing does not mean your opinion is a fact. No matter how big of a tantrum you throw.


Lol, what?

No one knew who she was back then, even in WoW she’s a fairly overshadowed as a character.

Her statue in Stormwind, in Vanilla, was the only way people really knew she existed.

And it was an ugly statue! Her old artwork from Warcraft 2 and 3, were pretty ugly as well lol.

Alleria never really became a thing in the lore until Void Elves came along in Legion. She was just a background character before that.

And I don’t have a problem with her being more purple, because that fits better as the Void Elven leader. Void Elves are purple.

Blood Elves look more like Alleria than Void Elves do, she needs to embrace the void further.

And no, High Elves don’t really exist anymore, either you’re Horde (Blood) or Alliance (Void), despite the fact you can still choose to look like a High Elf. They don’t have a kingdom.

Silvermoon is 100% Horde, at the moment anyway.


i give up make alleria void im done arguing. you people win. goodbye. sorry i even voiced my plea. was a mistake. majority wins i lose again.

She was in two books in 2007 and 2008.

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WoW players (generally) don’t read the lore books, this is known.

It’s a common complaint they don’t put enough of the lore in the games, even DF had a book that contained stuff about the Primalists that wasn’t present in WoW.

I’ll listen to the books when someone like Nobbel decides to read them aloud on YouTube, but I can’t be bothered to buy them on my own.


She…is a void elf… ?

Shes not a blue skinned one sure, but like…

I doubt they’re going to do much to change her skin tone though. Shes just wearing new armor and did her hair a little different.


That’s funny. Myself and a bunch of people I know in three guilds have read the books. Are we suddenly not WoW players? Who else would possibly read those books if not WoW players?

That was a pretty silly thing to say.


I said generally, if you were to ask like 90% of players, they’d likely answer “No” lol

Books are for the mega-fans.

I’d like a citation on your made up statistics when you have a chance. Thanks.

My point still stands: she wasn’t unknown back then. She’s also in the in game lore books.


You’d only know about her if you read the books. The amount of people that knew about her was small.

Most people are gamers, they play the game and that’s it.

Even my favorite games, I don’t read books for.

I obviously don’t have the stats, but go around asking people, it’s a common that they don’t. You are the outlier by reading these books.

You can probably go look up the sales of these books vs. the sales of the games, if you really want concrete evidence.

A book is not nearly as exciting as a game.

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And I want her new bow.



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Then don’t claim percentages and make absolutes next time.

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Here, I even edited it for you.

You’re assuming everyone reads just because you do, that’s also false.

Where did I say it was fact?

“Like 90%” means a lot of people, lol, the word “like” is key there. Context clues.

Stop being snarky.


I want her new haircut :eyes:


Nope. I’m just not tossing out numbers and dismissing facts.

Where did I say you said it was fact? I said you tossed out numbers and absolutes— before you edited your posts.

Stop making stuff up.

My point still stands: there were two books outside of the game and lore in the game from the books we can find around Azeroth. She wasn’t unknown back then.

That’s all there is to it. You decided to dismiss those facts. That’s not my problem anymore.


Books and video games aren’t even in the same realm of entertainment.

It’s a bit crazy to think many WoW players would read a book about WoW.

We’re here for the game.

You’re obsessed with being correct, that’s all I have to say. Regardless of the context. I edited my previous statements to acknowledge some read the books, but it’s always a minority.

And btw, you know I’m right in that most WoW players don’t read WoW books, you seem to be hung up on that part.

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Players: We need more transmog!

Bliz: We are updating a npcs outfit.

Players: OMG you cant change outfits!

ffs, let characters evolve.