Saurfang: Or a sovereign king. Slain in his own home

It reminds me of back during MoP (I know, big shocker, something from this expansion reminds someone of MoP) when Vol’jin gives the Alliance player sass during the whole Horde rebellion storyline, and Blizzard added a “Well screw this, I don’t even like you guys, I’m out.” dialogue option to the Alliance to cause Vol’jin to walk back his words.

When faced with an utterly unpalatable storyline like this, they occasionally do this sort of thing to add a bit of catharsis to the players who utterly dislike everything that’s going on and at least make it feel a bit like they’re not just slaves to the silly whims of the story, and everything is dropped and forgiven as necessary.


“Huge” is relative. It was big for a gnome, but for you and me it’s probably the size of an end table. I was half joking with Kelsey hiding behind a Tortollan, but honestly, the Alliance has a base right next to the bay. We’ve done plenty of missions throughout the area. They could’ve carried the dumb thing during the night, sat it down on the coastline right next to the fleet, detonated the bombs, and gone home. It seriously was that simple.

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Except the entire fleet wouldn’t have been destroyed. We know from 8.2 the Horde still has a fleet. I expect part of the reason the Alliance was to try and also destroy some of the Horde ships. Hell, they even managed to send a small fleet to chase Jaina.

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I never said the whole fleet would’ve been destroyed, I said the same amount of damage would’ve been done to the fleet without the invasion. The same victory would’ve been achieved without all the lives lost.

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Okay, so when did Saurfang start taking debating tips from the Story Forums?


You forgot about CAMP TAURAJO!

He had to spend his time in jail doing something. Clearly he was studying rhetoric!


He found an old scroll labeled “A List of Logical Fallacies”.


Obviously saurfang could’ve found a much more personal topic besides rastakhan, buuut blizzard writing as it is ill just accept it cause i really stopped caring or expecting great and interesting writing after the WoTLK quest chain with matthias lehner.

A prison where the only thing you can check on the computer is the Story Forums. That seems cruel and unusual.

Could he have though? Maybe his time in the internment camps, but that was almost 2 decades ago? Blizzard seems to have failed utterly to give Saurfang a compelling reason to oppose the Alliance and yet they want us to believe that he has. It’s been a weakness of the story for awhile and I hope they at least notice it now and address it.


No wait you’re right he personally doesn’t have anything to pull up besides internment camps.


Biggest issue here is really that lack of motivation the Horde has for the war unless they are being villains. If things were written less “Horde bad, Alliance good”, he would have far more compelling things to complain about.


Yeah, but half of all Alliance victories are achieved with pointless sacrifice in some shallow attempt to derive meaning when there isn’t any.

They make the Imperial Guard look efficient with manpower.


Tell me about it. I was genuinely shocked when I was doing the Battle of Dazar’alor pre-raid questline, and saw that a huge chunk of the sacrificial troops were Night Elves. You know, because there’s just so many of them nowadays. Void Elves, too. Everything about the Battle storyline just makes me exasperated.


The goal was to try and stop the Zandalari/Horde alliance. At the very minimum we ended up killing Zandalari forces that would have been sent against the Alliance eventually and I assume as all hell broke lose the Alliance fleet managed to down a few other ships that didnt have the bombs in them.

Because the Alliance story is written by fools with zero passion for anything but Lawful Good Overdrive. Not that the Horde story is much better…


I get the impression Alliance is largely just reactionary, with a motivation that is correct and understandable (don’t die to Sylvanas) but is asked no interesting questions about their role in the recurring conflict and their morality. They insist on making Horde have morale questions to the point of the whole faction being dubious in still existing, at least in terms of being a government.


Take pleasure knowing the Traitor is dead and your Queen is sacrificing herself not for the whole of azeroth but all of existence.

isn’t there a better place for a death knight to practice their necromancy than the forums?