Saturday, 11:20 A.M. Medium Population Server

Just give people an optional last name slot or allow folks to add a space or ’ in their name.


Not going to happen unless they come up with a way for people keep their names “deal with it” is not an acceptable answer.

I would like to see last names added and merge ALL realms into one mega realm.


Maybe they’re doing something like this and that’s why there’s been absolute silence for so long.

Blizzcon soon.

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lmfao xD!!

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Of course moon guard is fine. There’s like 10 servers with legit viable populations. The rest are garbage and cannot sustain any type meaningful guild life.


2:00 P.M.

83 Alliance online + 36 bots in Eye of Azshara.
119 Horde online.

235 characters online.

Realms like this will never recover, it’s been a downward trend since WoTLK. This “Medium” population realm goes under 40 players online sometimes during the week with both factions combined. I wonder what the Low population servers look like?

I’ve seen MMORPG’s with a maximum of 14,000 players online that refuse to let their servers get this bad before merging them.


Honestly, this can all be fixed if Blizzard actually starts merging into mega-servers, actually MAKES working mega-servers, and for the name issue, just introduce last names for characters.

I don’t care if I have to pay three dollars for a last name. I would!


How you find out who’s online, exactly? I hope you’re not just /who and taking it as a complete picture.


How would they …

/who caps at 50.

I mean they could use a refined search and who every parameter to get an exact amount. But just doing a /who …

The server is dead.

/who 1-100
/who 101-110
/who 111-119

/who 120 warrior
/who 120 warlock
/who 120 priest
/who 120 hunter
/who 120 paladin
/who 120 rogue
/who 120 monk
/who 120 shaman
/who 120 death knight

It doesn’t take long, isn’t difficult and is 99% accurate (one or two people might log on, or off during the two minutes it takes to do this.)

EDIT: Forgot ye olde /who 120 druid.


How would you be able to tell how many players are online ?

See above.

You have something against druids and DH ?

DH gets reported in /who 120 hunter. Results are under 50 for every class so I didn’t need to do a separate search.


Geez mages too. I am sorry I just can’t trust your numbers now.

Well, even if I forgot mages (I didn’t when I did the test) there was only three 120 mages online.

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Does it tell you who is in instances too? Also,I thought doing a /who just tells you who is in your zone. Probably wrong about that though.


Yeah it does, that’s how I know there was 36 Hunter bots in Eye of Azshara. They all have the same name with a slight modifier and they’re online 24 hours a day from what I can tell.


Ah ok I thought you were being sarcastic about the bots lol.

But yeah they really need to merge some of these deader servers. I don’t understand why they wont. Personally, I am on some pretty busy servers, so I don’t have these issues but I can sympathize.


The /who command will tell you everyone online, limited only by faction and only displays up to fifty results. If you do /who Paladin , and there are 89 Paladins on, it will only show you 50. You can break it down by level however, and by zone.

/who Paladin 60 will show everyone up to 60
/who Boralus will show everyone in that zone.

Numbers gained by this are accurate for a population snapshot, but only shows based on faction. Logging onto a Horde alt will show you Horde figures.

The ONLY thing /who might not show, are low level Pandarans who have not picked a faction yet.

So unless his server has 1,000 Pandas all sitting in the Panda starting zone…