Sargeras Horde Reconnections

Nalmeth! Hey bud, of course I remember! Add me on discord, Sims#8024

I made Maddog on thalnos and Herod

I made toons on Thalnos and Herod
Hope everyone going there were did you drop toons on

Climax will be on Whitemane. My brother & I are probably starting a raiding / pvp guild on there. Any old MM members are welcome, as well as anyone from Vanilla Sargeras. Y’all take care & good luck!

Yo! I used to play as an orc warrior named Stratovarius in VoS during Classic/TBC. Will be on Herod and possibly Pagle or Fairbanks.

Xenokiru, Undead rogue
Xeno, Undead Warlock
Cannot for the life of me remember the guild I was in…
i see lots of you are thinking of going Whitemane?

Zulis Troll Priest

Imperium , Pancake Bunnies , Up to Eleven , Clan of the Ironfist ,

Random Question for an old friend who remembers :

Peewea Troll Mage Lord of the Horde Slayer of the Alliance?

Drub troll shaman/ undead mage.

The Imperium.

Mael ninjad the eye1!


Holy hell nostalgia. Imperium…Pancake Bunnies, Clan of the Ironfist. Damn.
I might’ve been in Clan of the Ironfist for a bit.

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Whats up bud I was in Dark Legion of Chaos Zulis Troll Priest. Dyingbreed and Trojan were guild leaders right?

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Insagnito Undead Mage

Marf, orc warrior
Lorraine, undead mage

The Mighty Oxen


Englaived, Undead Mage

If Warsong Crew is gonna join a server i’d be interested in joining up.

Would appreciate a response from Dobael with where he is gonna be located so I can /spit on him for old times sake.

Englaived#8143 discord, i’ll check it sometime before the 27th.

Shackal - und mage frost spec
The Wrecking Crew pre and post transfer

Shackal - und mage frost spec
The Wrecking Crew pre and post transfer

Calling Yardcore,Sta, Supa, Arow,Cord

  • Cylix/Sylix - Undead Priest
  • Was in Paid in Blood -> The Bee Gees -> Mob Mentality
  • Whoever might be looking for me lol

Ravor is my partner in crime. We moved over to The Underbog when the realm split pre-TBC. We’re back for Classic :slight_smile:

(Cylix) - Neth, what server are you boys on? We’re horde on Herod. The last discord I have for you guys is dead! :stuck_out_tongue:

i remember you Zulis Troll priest

All mob mentality folks are going Whitemane, horde (of course). Joining up with Neth’s guild there.


Haterid Orc Hunter
The Mighty Oxen /Senjin rebellion