Blahme - Tauren Druid
was in Virakar at one point
Oohhmy - Orc Warlock Mostly PVP
Mecknurf - Orc Shaman Mostly PVP
Blahme - Tauren Druid
was in Virakar at one point
Oohhmy - Orc Warlock Mostly PVP
Mecknurf - Orc Shaman Mostly PVP
Lythe - Troll Hunter
The Mighty Oxen
Delkurn, Tauren Shaman
If Haloz reads this…FU HALOZ!
Vasilios - Undead Warlock.
The Endless - I’ve gathered many of us already. Send me a message!
Discord: Michael#9949
Gurthang, Undead Holy priest.
GM of The Mighty Oxen and co GM of Verge.
Grock, Orc Shaman of RUNE
Zitan/ Undead Warlock BC
Zit/ Orc Death Knight WOTLK
I dont remember the names of the guilds…
This character still has a /whisper Ultros POWER INFUSIONNNNNNNNN macro.
Obsidian - UD Mage
Barons of Brutality —> Alarmed —> Fenrir
Malok, tauren warrior
Guild L O R D Z
Looking for all former members of L O R D Z.
Mattorious Tauren Warrior
Evolution, XLR, Legends of War (LoW)
High Warlord Mazinkaiser (red bearded orc with red Zul Gurub bat Asuka)
Wrecking Crew
Note: I recently faction changed this toon to alliance, not sure what is going to happen with my profile (this is the hunter I played in vanilla)
Crimson Troll Priest (The Wolf Pack)
Vanish Undead Rogue (The Wolf Pack)
Junesong 60 Orc Rogue
Provisions 60 Troll Priest
Hey old GM! Still remember those premade BGs with Soullessone, Lichvecna, etc…
Shelbylenard Orc Warlock
Grundum Tauren Warrior
Takran undead Warrior
The Wrecking Crew
We are reforming! Reach out to me if you’re interested.
Whatup Mad, Uruz the Druid here :). Hope all is well bud.
Hello delk!
Wiseman, Undead Warlock
Lords of Dandelions
Wiseman#9006 on Discord
Climax, og member of MM.