San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed}

Horde needs more diversity in attractive races. Sole reason I’ve stayed Alliance through the years is because Blood Elves were my only choice. I definitely support such an awesome idea/race.


Seems like this would be the best way to go about doing it. San’layn would want to reconnect with Silvermoon, having been enslaved by Arthas for so long, and I don’t really see why Lor’themar would want to turn them away, especially with Rokkhan saying the San’layn have a place in the Horde.

With the combined effort of the Blood Elves, San’layn, bowls of Cheerios, and the Horde champion (you), there should be some way for the Horde to open up to the remaining San’layn around. Besides, we never saw them interact with the Horde, and we only saw them through the eyes of the Alliance, so of course they see Dreven as a big meanie. Still a missed opportunity to have them somewhere in the Horde’s BfA storyline, sadly.

I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll keep talking about it and other things again and again, but if Thrall allowed the newly freed Death Knights from Arthas into the Horde and allowed the Forsaken to previously join, many of which had low moral fiber and did cause some issues (not all of them, of course), I don’t see it as much of a stretch to allow San’layn to join for survival either. Not to mention that Warlocks and Shadow Priests roam the Horde cities freely, for that matter.

I will say that San’layn should have their own culture and personality, with some hints of snarkiness from being former Blood Elves, and should not be conniving or backstabbing in general. With those who would want to survive and reconnect with Silvermoon, and likely be hunted by the Alliance, I really don’t see why they would have to plot behind the Horde’s back at all, unless a rogue prince or member of royalty decide to for their own gain, but that shouldn’t be the San’layn as a whole.

The wait for Shadowlands info is going to be a long one, but I’m still hopeful we’ll see something of note regarding San’layn working with the Horde. :bat:


San’layn could have even more potential if we ever get racial or class specific glyphs. Maybe their Warlocks or Magi (or even priests?) could have their spells look like blood magic. Maybe even their Warlock’s minions could be some other vampiric/undead minions?


Aww I’m happy to see a lot of support coming in still for these ideas. Not to mention, the new Castlevania season is coming out very soon (something I’m looking forward to), which is no doubt increasing the hype for vampires. Hopefully we’ll have some Shadowlands news soon.

Something interesting to consider that I’m not sure if we’ve talked about much yet is the Stormheim Vampyr questline. Mrrgleton had questioned as to whether or not the vampyr can even die, which supposedly includes San’layn, the Vry’kul vamps, and the human pirate vamps too.

Actually, here’s food for thought. If they ever add in Nathanos undead, or more human-looking undead, I wonder if they’d add in human vampyr as well in that case. They have regular draenei and Lightforged draenei, so using the same thematics in that case really wouldn’t matter all that much.

Regardless, I’m hoping for the original San’layn above all, of whom were the first true vampire race we met back in Wrath of the Lich King (before anyone brings up dreadlords, those are demons, and San’layn are more in line with the vampire mythos we typically see). I really hope Blizzard, if they expand upon the lore, does add their own twists. It seems they have already.

Heck, they might even take some ideas from this thread, but that might be pushing it.


I still liked the idea of them building a castle in the scourge area in southern ghostlands…take it over and make a settlement.


If they add in any playable vampire race, it should be the San’layn as a Horde race. They were first, have great backstory potential, are tied into a current Horde core race, and have a place offered in the Horde already. They also fit the Horde’s central theme of banding together for survival.

Lots of things to work with to continue their story on the Horde side. :bat:


Yeah, either it could be a necropolis that’s floating like Naxxanar (Which would be super neat), or a grounded one. I’d love that so much.

Man I really hope so. I’m not sure about the future of Allied Races if I’m going to be honest, or if threads like this make a difference, but at least we gave it a shot.

Also, reminder that this exists from Galdersart, because it’s awesome and a piece I commissioned just for fan art ideas :stuck_out_tongue: PRIOR to finding out about Kael’s return.

Figured I’d bring it up again cause relevancy.


I keep thinking a bit gothic castle type structure. Something like Dracula has in Castlevania but less wacky.


I think that we’ll see more allied races in the future. They generate hype, offer a reward for playing the current content, and can make some revenue in terms of race changes or level boosts. As I said before, I don’t expect to get 10+ in a single expansion, but seeing a pair here and there makes sense to me.

As for megathreads in general, while the existence of one does not guarantee a race will be playable, I do think they’re useful for getting feedback or ideas for races people do want to be playable. There have been many things that have come from the forums, whether it is races people want or feedback on the current game mechanics (for better or worse), and there have been times Blizzard has taken that into account.

I’ve mentioned a few times that people have asked for Mag’har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves for years, usually as sub-races, across forums of different media, and we did eventually get them. Then again, people have asked for Ogres for years and are, sadly, still waiting. It doesn’t mean that the feedback wasn’t noted in some fashion or potentially discussed somewhere in a meeting,. In terms of new races, as I mentioned many times as well, BfA was a goldmine of player feedback, and it would be great to note the megathreads for some form of marketing research.

I believe it was said that Blizzard plans out expansions at least two ahead of the current one. It’s a reason I usually call the work of megathreads as planting seeds to hopefully see the fruits of our labor. It’s also a reason why I don’t really expect the races I want immediately, but am hopeful it will lead to something. Again, it isn’t guaranteed, but to show support for something in some fashion is, in my opinion, better than just silently hoping. It may be awhile if we ever see anything come of it, but it hasn’t really deterred me so far from showing my support. In fact, I’m still thinking of different avenues to show support for the races I want playable.

If anything, megathreads at least brought people together. I’ve met some awesome people that I likely would never have met if I didn’t decide to start posting on the forums, and have had fun talking and sharing ideas in a lot of them. It’s a reason I hope that megathreads continue to operate past BfA. Say what you will about BfA in general, but it did give a unique experience that we may likely not see again in terms of the different race megathread communities that occurred.

I can only speculate on how much of an effect megathreads have, but I do feel that they’re noted in some fashion. Regardless, when college permits, I still plan to show support of the races I want playable. I came in wanting Ogres and Saurok for the Horde, and I added Vulpera and San’layn to that list as well. We got Vulpera, and I’ll still continue to have Ogres, Saurok, and San’layn on my Horde banner, for better or worse. :japanese_ogre: :crocodile: :bat:

Besides, I’m sure there are people at Blizzard that do appreciate those of us players that enjoy and support the game. :smiley:


My guildies and I are doing a roleplay plotline, and I was brought back to this quest:

It reminds me that we could have gotten so much more out of this. I really do hope the San’layn weren’t just for the Alliance to beat up and call it a day. It’s fascinating that more Blood Princes can be created, trained up, I assume. Also this is the questline everyone uses to claim “AlL oF ThE SaNlAyN ArE ExTiNcT” even though it’s never said in this questline, nor at the end of it, that they were. IN FACT.

Upon completion:
“That is enough for now. We must focus our efforts on Blood Prince Dreven.”

“Enough” doesn’t even come close to meaning ALL. You had to switch gears to Dreven himself. Even though Sylvanas and all of her nonsense abandoned her allies on that ship (Well, Nathanos), I’m pretty sure it’s a stupid idea to think that every last one of the San’layn were on a single ship. That’s just silly.

But you all hear me saying that all the time.

I want to get into the meat of the lore there.

How do you get a Blood Prince from a Neophyte? I think it’s fascinating. Is it a ritual, or a training process? Perhaps we should discuss our ideas for what it could be. Blizzard either has an idea though or has tossed away the San’layn for good. Who knows. But it’s still a good idea to toss around ideas a bit.

I also saw the latest Castlevania season. Personally loved it!


Well they may make an appearance in the book. I doubt it but it is an undead expansion. Slyvanas orders troops to kill Bwosamdi in the book. So the San’layn were in Nazmir maybe some stayed behind. It would be interesting.


Given that it literally means new person to a subject, skill, or belief.


Secret Vampire School.


What sort of classes do they have there? Vampire Math? Vampire Language? Vampire Art History?


“If there are 7 people and the room, and you feast on 3, how many are left?”

“The answer is none. Leave no witnesses!

Entire classroom erupts into loud hissing.


I could see some harry potter parodies from a vampire academy. xD

I looked at the quest text some, specifically this part:

“That monster’s training other san’layn. Every neophyte you see on this ship is another future Blood Prince Dreven”

I personally interpret it as not another Blood Prince being trained specifically, but someone that can become as powerful enough to slam dunk Gnomes into a durable punch bowl. After all, the Alliance is freaking out and they likely see Dreven and the San’layn in general with this type of view:

Seems to me, in terms of a Blood Prince, there would be few that get inducted to become one, whether it’s a form of royal rank, leadership, or actual offspring of Blood Kings/Queens.

If I were to view this from the San’layn point-of-view, a lot of San’layn, having broken free from the previous Lich King, are unsure of how to control their powers or cravings. I could view it as Dreven training some of them to help guide them, give them purpose, and not fall into despair. I mean, it worked for the Forsaken, why not the San’layn?

I’ve harped on this point a lot. Considering this is the expansion that introduced allied races, it’s a shame that we don’t get to interact with the San’layn as the Horde. It would’ve been great to see them from an ally’s point-of-view, where they’re free from Arthas’ control. All we get is just friendly green name text of the neophytes on the ship if we happen to just fly over to it.

Speaking of, some time has passed since we beat up Arthas. What have the San’layn done since then? Likely, having had sudden freedom, a lot might have been lost and confused as I mentioned before. Obviously, some had to seek survival in some fashion, which is why Dreven eventually got into contact with the Horde somehow. Whether it was through Sylvanas or if she was the one that reached out to Dreven’s coven specifically, is unclear.

I still maintain hope that we’ll see more of the San’layn story, where they do end up assisting and joining the Horde. I really would hate to see them just have been put in an expansion, one where allied races were first introduced, just for the Alliance to have a fist-bump feel good moment. Then again, I hope they don’t become lap dogs for Sylvanas. Theres good story potential for them, and there are plenty of ways to work with them assisting the Horde, proving their worth, and becoming members.

Just because Sylvanas has gone batty doesn’t mean the Horde can’t go batty in return. :bat:


Throwing my support to Sen’layn again oof :blue_heart:


Hi guys! Just checking in on my favorite coven. I haven’t been playing WoW since around Christmas, but I still try keeping up with all the news. I’ll probably be more active in the WoW community when we get more details from the Shadowlands Alpha. My heart belongs in Revendreth <3


I’ve been thinking about San’layn dances, assuming they would get their own dances. I’m unfamiliar with any vampire specific dances, but one spooky song that does come to mind is “Monster Mash.” It’s more of a Frankenstein’s monster related song, but could be fitting. Heres a dance to the song:

There are also different dances from “Phantom of the Opera” that could be incorporated as well. There are many examples, but here is one that I found of people dancing to the main song from it:

I realize something like “Thriller” would be an obvious one, but I don’t know how easy/costly it would be to get the dance in the game.

Anyway, thought I’d open up some discussion on possible San’layn dances. Y’all probably know vampire-specific songs better than me. :bat:


I’m still annoyed that male worgen didn’t get Thriller. Not a fan of the one they did get. =[