San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed}

Now that the Vulpera Allied Race is made Playable here’s to my Hopes of San’layn getting made playable over Lightforged Forsaken.

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That’s another thing. Puppets to the Alliance. First off we have Saurfang (whom I bloody hate) the traitor who is Anduin’s lapdog and we’re supposed to support him. I despise both him and Sylvanas. Sylvanas is just a substance-less villain, pretty much Garrosh 2.0, that is a traitor to the Horde.

But Saurfang sat in that cell until ANDUIN rescued him, marched up to the gates of the Horde with the Alliance backing him, had us butcher other horde members without batting an eye, and the like.

And now, no doubt we’re going to be the lapdogs to the Alliance again, no offence intended Rorrand. I’m just so sick of having to be smacked around by the Alliance constantly, being slammed with the villain bat, and then having to deal with the Alliance pulling the strings of the faction where they were cruel and cast us out in the first place.

The undead are supposed to be seen as evil unnatural beings by most of the Alliance, completely rejected by their living counterparts. Yet… really? Now we get a Garrosh 2.0 replaced by an Alliance mary-sue? And further ripping to shreds the identity of the forsaken?

Boggles my mind.

Based on the new datamines, that’s a no. 0 new lore for San’layn, yet more for Calia.

Gets worse by the way.

Ok nevermine then. Don’t you just love us Alliance Folks getting the short end of the stick when it comes to Allied Races… Pretty much. Wait sorry. Forsaken. Yea Poor Forsaken. Here I thought the Forsaken race is going to remain Grim Dark and Hollow forever… I’m not ready for Lightforged Cringe Undead…

She’s interacting with… the undead night elves now? The hell is Calia doing? Does she pump newly-created undead with hope juice or something?

I’m far more perplexed than excited about these developments. They don’t seem to be leading to interesting places.

I mean… I guess it’s good that she’s not “lightforging” them… I guess. She’s just some sort of prophet.

This is probably how they justify her to be the rightful ruler of Lordaeron; the fact that she spends time earning the respect of the undead.

Brb, feeling a bit unwell.

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Lightforged Undead Night Elves?!


So either we get undead night elves (a SECOND night elf race on the Horde that I really would prefer never to see) or LFU. That’s what’s on the table.

“Let’s throw flowers and bring hope and redeem everyone guys, with no substance to the storyline whatsoever.”

sighs I’m just really not a happy camper about this. My hopes for San’layn have dwindled down to 0. No lore for them since 8.0. Not even the Quill which has the name of the Blood Queen in it. Yet Calia and this…utter nonsense gets a full storyline, it looks like.

We can say we tried.

I don’t take offense to this. I pretty much play Alliance strictly because I detest the story beats that happen with the Horde. Playing Horde feels like I’m fighting on the wrong side of the war, but because I’m supposed to be a good boy I have to join forces with the correct faction in the end anyway. I think we all knew the Horde would turn on Sylvanas by the end of the war. Everyone called it. We didn’t want it to happen, but it did.

I would have been completely fine if Sylvanas remained the Warchief throughout the entire expansion. She was, from a military perspective, actually quite effective. But the Horde war campaign literally has you start acting against your faction’s own interests from the second half onward. Even if you support Sylvanas, Nathanos tells you to betray her anyway because…

… because stupid.

So no. I’ve pretty much given up any hope of ever playing Horde long-term. I’ll roll alts and experience their zone content casually.

But this? This is the reason why my heart is forever team blue.

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No. Plz. Don’t give them ideas.

Its a Shame it has to come to this. I have been hoping for something Awesome for the Undead Race that is Dark Ranger like or some cool and dark like Vampire Elves like the San’layn.

But thanks to the stupid writing of the light vs void story in terms of Lightforged Forsaken being a thing with Calia taking over the Forsaken leadership. Just anything that was Scourge or Forsaken alike is gone. I may not have played Horde alot but sucks that a Awesome Dark Race like the Forsaken would end up getting beating down with the Good Guy Stick instead of the Forsaken being what they were. Sometimes I wish Sylvanas would come back again. But I doubt that will ever happen…

Yeah I understand. I’ve played Horde for so long because they’re the underdogs and antiheroes in my eyes. Doing what’s necessary for the greater good, accepting outcasts, and protecting one’s family. Now… it just seems like that’s all tossed aside.

I liked that the forsaken were not mindless zombies, that they could make their own decisions. They were rejected by their original families but could keep going. I wanted to see a similar theme with the San’layn. Corrupted, no home, but able to grow and aid their former homes now that they’ve broken control from a puppetmaster that was the Lich King.

They could have had a similar story to DK, and like DK, using their need to kill and consume against enemies. But nope, that’s not going to be the case. Instead we most likely will get get “redeemed” mary-sue “perfect” undead.


Ew, ew, ew, ew, and more ew. Holy Light Queen Calia as the Forsaken leader? Yeah, that’s great for the identity of a dark shadowy race. Forsaken were my second favorite race and now they’re about to be ruined just like Sylvanas. Thanks, Blizzard. I love you too.


That’s Blizzard for ya. They don’t care about making Great Awesome Races or Lore anything. Shame.

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Remember when Sylvanas became Warchief and we all thought Blizzard would stop portraying Orc, Trolls, and Tauren as the only real Horde?



I don’t know what we should do anymore. What ideas are there left to give? With the direction of the story I really feel like this idea has been left behind.

There is no way we can come up with a way that the San’layn would fit. Blizzard wants to completely change the identity of the undead.

I want to say “Maybe there will be some twist” but I’ve been saying that for a long time now and there’s been none at all, the story is highly predictable, cut and dry. There are no surprises. If they’re taking a certain direction, they’re sticking to it.

My muse and ideas just aren’t there. Not with this all coming to pass.


Hey don’t give up. We could get them pretty easily. The assets just aren’t made yet. I for one wouldn’t mind them being cosmetic options for blood elves for example. That can easily be patched in. Another thing they could just be waiting for the lich king to be involved again. Remember they preplanned all the story. And the Vulpera were just announced. They had hype since they were announced in blizzcon. The Nightborne also were hype when they were announced. Many fans were hoping not to kill them all as Metzen said we would and instead befriend them and now they are a playable race. So it might just not be in this expansion. And if allied races become popular enough they may consider doing them for seasonal releases! San’layn have so many oppurtunities to be announced. Especially during Halloween seasons. But the assets have to be made and story be ideal. Well story could be revisited out of the blue just like Mag’har were wholey unrelated and dark iron. The dark iron recruitment quest was just a reminder that they are already on the alliance. The same thing could be done for San’layn who are “already” part of the horde.

P.S. SLyvannas probably knew they would die. Dreven. He could easily be in shadowlands for example waiting for Slyvannas to kill everyone if the plot of the leak is somewhat true. It would be cool. As for lightforged, I hope they don’t go back to that monarchy approach. I am in favor of a Light and dark lady sort of duality in government though.


If they can pull Mag’har from another timeline and 2 expansions and Void Elves out of their butts then they can add San’layn at any point.

All we need is an untended coffin left somewhere…


Yeah that’s true. You have a good point. It’s just hard to stay positive, you know? But people asked for MG and DID a while and indeed got them.

I just wish I still had ideas to give but sadly I don’t. Maybe once my Vamp the Masquerade roleplay server begins, I could be inspired to share more ideas. I want to keep the idea train flowing but gods I don’t know anymore what I could say.


Do not pass go, do not collect.

Thank God they didn’t out in more elves.

There’s ways not to be rude and you failed. Go bother someone else or rejoice in a Lightforged undead thread.

Ehh, those sound silly as well!

Have a nice night and happy reset day tomorrow!

Fair enough, at least ask for undead Vrykul or something if you think that’s silly too :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good night.