San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed}

Let’s be real here for a moment. Each covenant basically has an AR in the waiting. I will be surprised if they don’t end up playable.


Wasn’t there a recent joke thread about bringing him back? lol

How ironic.

I mean I doubt he will be getting any deader… But it’s the perfect time to make him more of an anti villain.

IMO the only issue is that each of these races are… dead, so IDK, maybe customization based on them rather than AR are what we will get.

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Are they though? Most just seem to be native to the Shadowlands. I mean, the Necrolords look properly dead, but that never stopped the Forsaken.

Death does not have to mean the same thing it does to us (in real life). Wow is a different universe. So idk. It would be interesting to get more lore on the races there. The Val’kyr seem to pass through to this world. And dks get there magic from there.

If it was mine, I have never joked about this. I was deathly serious. I, for one, welcome our new Blood Prince.

I mean it is literally the realm of the death, the afterlife where each group gathers souls; it’s hard to think the natives of a land of the dead are alive. I don’t think we will be seeing them crossing over to the living world.

Like think about the spirit healers; we only see them when we are dead; I don’t think any of the races of the Shadowlands should be able to exist on the material world on their own.

I mean true, we do literally have an undead playable race and Val’kyr are undead. So I do think every race from the Shadowlands is technically undead, so IDK how likely any of them to become playable.

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I’ve been thinking about this myself, but i don’t know if Arthas stole this power from the the Venthyr or if he was just able to see into the shadowlands and just copied it.

They did update Uther’s tomb awhile back and no one knew why.

I will never get Vlad’s voice out of my head, him constantly screaming. I WANT THEIR SOULS! Every time i moved him over the map in TW Warhammer.


Why not?

I mean, when I think of natives to a land of the dead, I don’t think dead people. I think immortal beings like Gods, Spirits, Demons, etc… kind of looks like we hit the full range of those as well.


The “What’s Next” Panel is now on the Blizzcon schedule, which is at 2:30 PDT. I’ll keep an eye out for some live blogs and will type out my thoughts after that panel ends.

I will say the whole vampire theme part of the next expansion has me intrigued, so hopefully it leads to playable San’layn stuff in the future. :bat:


Only heathens don’t call it Total Warhammer.

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It seems like some of them are good enough to be playable. The blue humans look cool. The fawns look dope I get a pan’s labrinyth vibe from them. And the female vampires look batty and regal (like some of the suggestions I seen on this thread).


I might be wrong here so correct me if i am, but wasn’t Kael’thas coming back as a Blood Prince one of the ideas from one of the older threads. If so maybe Blizzard is reading what is posted here.

LOL, noted.

IMO, it just feels like different forms of undeath; they exist naturally within the Shadowlands, and powerful necromancers can meddle with the veil to bring them into the living world, so yeh, I do think it’s about the Lich King being able to use/replicate the power of the Venthyr to create a new type of undead; The thematic is just too similar to be a copy.

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It was. But I don’t think that was a joke either. At least, I never took it as a joke. It always seemed incredibly plausible. Now, at long last, it’s about as close to reality as it’s ever been.


I mean I agree they are cool, what I am wary of is if they are undead, will they fe able to freely exist on the material World in a material way. Not only in ability to do so, but desire? IDK, it feels like they would be basically ghosts? Like Aszuna Night Elves.

The undead from our realm are pulled souls from the shadowlands. The bodies are decayed usually only powerful recromancy preserves the body. Like the lich king or the ritual to replace Nathanos’ body. But seems like lots of lore to explore cool themes.

Perhaps the breaking veil has something to do with being able to traverse both worlds. I would imagine that get fixed by the end of the expansion similar to Argus and the moon. I hope that visual sticks throughout the expansion!

It seems we aren’t going there in ghost form so they may maintain there forms.

Please Blizzard let this be a real place in the Xpac.

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Indeed. I’m talking specifically about the, let’s say method? of creating undead. The Venthyr seem like a very specific form of death entity, and their staggering ressemblence to the San¿layn suggests the Lich King was all like “I want some of that serving me” pretty much like it’s with the Val’kyr; he enslaved them and started to create more from probably the Valkyr from Bastion. Feels he did the same with a Venthyr to create Lana’thel.

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