San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Maybe only females have wings? Would be a different take on things for sure. Thanks for the hierarchy lesson. :bowing_man:

And I thought of an addition to the racial I was talking about before. The one where you feed on humanoids to replenish your youth. What if it gives a buff / debuff , not sure what it is, but you leave a marker on them that they have been fed on in the last 24hrs. If that player or humanoid is bit a certain amount of times in that 24hr period they temporarily change into a bat like creature. Or it could change them the more they are bit. Starts out barely noticeable and after so many bites they are a walking bat, lol. Blizz would never do that but still, could be fun to play with. I wouldn’t even be doing anything but walking around and biting players. :laughing: Probably would have to make it so a player can only be bitten once per 24 hrs by the same San’layn.

Other racials and vampire ideas I can think of are:

  • Watering Walking or floating. I would use water breathing but Forsaken has that and I don’t want to take from other races. Not sure if it should wear off in combat or stay active. Not much water fighting going on so I don’t see it being op although you could escape faster. (Race or Class)
  • Can’t be seen in water. This is kind of stupid but I was thinking of how vampires can’t be seen in a mirror. Well WoW doesn’t have that but it does have water which is like a mirror. Maybe make it a shimmer like hunters camo so if you move you can be seen? I think it would be cool if it would drop aggro in PvE. (Race or Class)
  • Immune to Bleeds. This is because they are dead and have no blood to bleed. Might have to make it resist bleeds or something. Possibly bleed effects do half damage. (class)
  • Pool of Blood. It is just like the Blood Trolls blood pool. It would be like a 5 sec immune to damage and deals damage skill like theirs is. (class)
  • Bat swarm. It is a disorient for 3 secs - 5 secs. Bats swarm the enemy and disorients it. (race or class)
  • Vampire is a level 110 hero class. That way it skips the Legion weapon requirement and is above the Dh which was above the DK starting level wise. (class)

The ideas listed below are my favorite ones.

  • A bleeding stun. The vampire sticks both hands into the enemy and holds them up. The vampire can’t attack because they are stuck holding the enemy up with both claws in them so it has a bleed to make up for lost dps. (class)
  • Can’t die from falling. Every 15 minutes this skill will save you from taking damage from any fall, no matter the height . It can either have your wings come out automatically at the end so you land or, my favorite, a Selene from Underworld landing where you crouch and walk it off. (class)
  • Passive called Prey or Hunted. When an enemy is below 25% (or 35%?) you get a red version of spectral sight that allows you to always see the target until healed above that threshold. Can see any mob below threshold not just whatever you’re targeting. Maybe they take 5% increased damage from you alone. (class)
  • Skill called Fly in the Web. When an enemy is below the above threshold this skill can be used. You teleport to the enemy and slow them by 35% when within 8 yds of you. (class)

I also think it’d be cool if vampires became a class that they used their hands and claws as weapons. Kind of like how they fight in Underworld. Weapons would just be for stats like a Monk.

K, won’t post anymore for a while. I want to go through all 3,000+ posts and get some ideas, encourage good ones or build upon them.

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