San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Definitely my dream allied race, been checking regularly for updates.


Lmao! that made me bust up laughing way harder than it probably should have. I completely forgot about that bug until now lol.

Don’t worry! I got both of you!


Yes! Thank you so much, it is glorious ^^ Well, the first one. :stuck_out_tongue:


Images work like property values. They depreciate when they’re juxtaposed next to an absolute trainwreck.


I’m not surprised GD is being a ball of miserable whining right now, but I’m glad there’s hype in this thread at least. I have to remember not to wander the forums, I keep forgetting that the majority here come to complain nonstop.

Anyway, I also hope we get that horse carriage as a mount too.


Im excited to see dead people. So much oppurtunity to revisit dead npcs. Like that troll guy from the troll starting area. Senjin, cairne, dead loa like Shandra. The legion killed many races in our universe. Perhaps many extinct races can come back to life in the shadowlands. They are also older then the titans. We can maybe see lore hints of the Naaru races before the dranei that Velen knows about. Ethereals may be in the major city hub. They said races across different dimensions so that’s interesting it can open bridges to new threats. I can see alot of potential for story. It’s just the gameplay that falls short mostly it seems.


So if Kael’thas comes back as a San’layn what are our options?

Does that make a Customization Option of San’layn for Blood Elves feasible and Acceptable?

Does it mean we can have San’layn as a Stand Alone Race?

Are the Vather (SP?) the “new” San’layn and that’s what Blizzard is building up?

Will Keal remember that we took his head?


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Do the other 3 even make sense as ARs? Are they similar to another PC race?

I dont think the Afterlife races will be playable due to the fact they live outside our sense of reality so to speak and makes so sense for them who think differently to us to come to the realm of the living, but using there elements to create something for the living thats something else, they might be the source of the original Vampiric Curse and thus might cause it more so thus further creating the San’layn, also i think Kaels sound wants revenge on someone atm and might be a way to twist of the trust of these new vampire folk to let his soul out.

Also just me but does this new zone remind people of a type of hell? they are Afterlives after all and Kaels soul is there as punishment so put 1 and 1 together.

I’m right there with you. I want to be a vampire elf, not just a vampire.


Unless your a mythic raider you wont see that tmog until the next expansion…

Really hate how they do the different appearances now…

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Befriending a covenant of vampires is pretty much the easiest way to get San’layn too.
You just ask one to bite you, hearth to Silvermoon, and get to biting.


Perhaps the literal San’layn might come to them for help and it resolves a problem of theirs that makes them uneasy allies to any faction, gives them a chance to become more batlike in the process without becoming that Afterlife Race.

If the Horde and Alliance have NPCs sent over to help us with the Covenants that automatically means the NPCs become trusted and would allow this to happen.


Anyone think we’ll meet Lana’thel and her daughter in Revendreth?

I mean where else would they go? Detroit?


Im trying to make a bloodsucking joke about Detroit but i just cant get it out D:


I would very much like allied races based on the new covenants. San’layn for the blood elves and something skeletal or wraithy for the forsaken.


Yeah that’s a really good question, someone else brought that up too. There’s a big slew of things we can meet. Lana’thel, The Blood Princes, even Dreven. Wonder if we’ll end up seeing any of them. I’m also curious if we’ll see other bosses in Revendreth.


so watching the new panel the vamps are called venthyr.
Which they seem pretty badd@#$ but very Nosferatu style

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edit : did the big goof and read poorly. Mixed teh kyrian up and thought something else.

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Wait, I didn’t see them in the preview? Where? The wings I mean.