San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Ooo? The Timewalking fire wolf or is there another?

I want these guys go bad!

I’d roll a San’layn so fast my keyboard would be smoking! :heart_eyes:


Timewalking! I love it ^^ I’m so close to 400 mounts too. I hate puke chicken but at least I’ll be able to start working toward 450.

Also in regards to the romance comment before, I agree. I’d love to see more happy undead and pairings that were romantic. Then people could stop flaming me about this toon’s mate in RP. (My bf aka)


oh snap i nearly forgot about that. i should have saved up so many badges ><
the elek looks sick too.

it dosnt make sense for people to flame out on undead love. Like, through life and undeath vows. risen from the scourge but reconnected after the downfall of arthas.

heckkkkk yea!
except those nerds over at blizz will make us gather 4000000 rep before we could >>.>


Yussss, I finally have something to spend my TW currency on (after I bought the puppies).

And 400 wow, I got like 20 XD… would have had Frostbound Vanquisher but the Arthas fight went funky -_-

I will gladly hunt them down for ya :3

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Start farming what r u doiinggg!!!
I’m almost 250 for that fel fire hawk.
i need to farm pets too.

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I’d do it.

Blood Queen Awesome: kicks me over and rests her heel on my throat What reason would the San’layn have for allying with the likes of you?

Me: Harder.

BQA: What?

Me: What?

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I’m just very selective about the mounts I go after, half the ones I got I wasn’t even trying for hehe.

Ah, a fellow man of culture.
the back lash from the meeting with laeth
" hi, yes. sylvanis… this is royal highness blood queen awesome. Can we talk about the warrior pyscho that keeps showing up at my door with flowers? "


That is something totally me and Laeth would do… or the corpses of her enemies.

You know the aztec actually had a statue that was permanently stained from the dead bodies they sacraficed on its back?
The amount of interior decoration you will ruin just to get senpai to notice is impressive and admirable to the darkfallen race cause.


Thankies, I’ll try my best to get us our cool aloof brother/sisters ^w^

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OH YEAH THE WRITING PROMPT! Ok I’ll do that later today.



Got plenty of time what with the servers being down :3

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Do eet, no matter what Sylvanas tells you

(art by the awesome Makanidotdot)


am i missing something ? whats going on?

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that art… so tsundere

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time to do nothing but potatoeeeeee.
hearthstone is calling

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I loooooooove her take on Sylvanas, she’s got a whole thing going.

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