San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

You’d think they’d have goblin/worgen monks by now, especially with the concept of monks could just train more of them. They’ve been around for a while now, after all. Plus… Allied Races can be monks, so I feel like there really is no argument against them, including/especially the starting zone argument.


I imagine Dark Rangers more so seeing as they have pro Horde connections and maintain pro BE sentiments given Velonaras dialogue about seeing BEs as kin still.

And if other Horde races worked w and continue to work w the Dark Rangers that stayed behind I don’t see why BEs wouldn’t be sympathetic to them if anything more so on some level.

San’layn specifically less so you’re right I feel like but I feel like that isn’t as huge as a problem as it sounds. Given didn’t they recently conflate the meaning of Darkfallen to include both Dark Ranger undead types and San’layn. So all that’s really needed is for a small moment w San’layn imo to have them make sense somehow. Blood Elves entire recent history w the Horde has seen them build new authentic friendships and allies and in some cases w old enemies at that.

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Whell yes but vampires can make LOTS of babies very fast. A species that reproduces parasitically has it’s limits but 1 can make 100s of new kin in a day easily. Enough for even a single San’layn could fully recreate an entire race.

Blizz seems to want to kill them off ever so slowly.

Yeah, it could be something as simple as a story involving San’layn helping out several blood elves or Silvermoon City. It was emphasized in the new patch datamines that the one causing trouble was an individual working alone, so leadership in the Blood Elves are aware that there can be branching individuals who aren’t like Vorath.

We also don’t know their population at all. There’s never been a canon number. We saw Neophytes in Battle for Azeroth, meaning more were being made at that time. Not to mention the ‘vampirates’ in Stormheim, meaning the curse is still very active. Dreven came out of nowhere. Vorath now is coming out of nowhere (previously never existed in game). Still 2 missing blood princes.

So yeah, I’m confident there will be more. Hopefully we’ll see some story progress soon as opposed to them being scourge fodder.


Impossible to do with vampires. You either wipe them all out instantly. As I said one can make 100 a day. Unless there is some lore to the limit but afaik wow doesn’t have a lore limit.

All it takes is 1 good and friendly San’layn to offer the “curse” to anyone who wants it. I imagine while some may be reluctent many may jump on the opprotunity. Especially as it’s a way for the elves to regain immortality.

It’s very much possible. And no, not every vampire can make 100 in a day. It depends on the myth and such. Look up how vampires are made in Vampire the Masquerade for example. You CANNOT simply create 100 in a day so easily anymore. Plus if you made that many in a day you would give away what you are doing and call down more attention on yourself from would be hunters. The San’layn are NOT very popular with pretty much anyone and if one was going around trying to mass create more, it would draw attention and possibly get killed.

Man it’s so odd that certain players, particularly certain goblins & gnomes, obsess over this thread even though supposedly there was word of them ‘no longer paying attention because OP is so toxic’.

Weird how that works.

Claims of me being a horrible, evil cultist who ‘needs education’ and I am ‘enthralling everyone’ would usually cause said claimer to run away and put me and the thread on ignore.

Yet certain people and their followers continue to bother this thread and toss support toward those who troll it.



As weird as you claiming to ignore me then swoop in to comment on a thread!
Its so dang weird how that works!

Anyway, hidden replies and trolling from folks I have on ignore aside, hopefully we’ll see some more information soon.

The encrypted files are intriguing but frustrating for sure. If they weren’t so secretive and actually communicated that they’re listening to requests like this, and others, people wouldn’t be so on edge.

But when we asked for scars/tatts/being distinct on blood elves only to get really terrible jewelry, I think we’re right to be concerned for sure.

Not to mention how badly they’ve treated the story, and how some were shoved aside – like Wildhammer dwarves.

Still, 200 files sounds like a lot. I don’t know if it’s a lot though. Like does a quest = file, customization = file, or are there multiple files for a single thing? Complex and I wouldn’t know. Can’t even begin to guess anymore. One would assume they’d want to build up hype and get people to preorder/play while we wait for dragonflight.

And yeah, as people have brought up, it’d be odd to add in a race locked to a single class until the big system change.

Unless the system change is coming in 9.2.5. And that’s what all the files are for plus the Dracthyr.

However… you’d think if that were the case, we’d get that customization showcase for them sooner rather than later. To build hype. I dunno. They seemed unfinished and like they’d want to work on them more, so ‘early access’ for preorder seems to be unlikely given the ‘class lock’ factor (and how it’d be silly to change systems on a whole new thing a few months later).


LOL you keep saying ignore and its like Vincini from the Princess Bride with you.

Secret door in murder row to the underground Darkfallen District.


This would be super neat, not gonna lie, haha.


Yeah, it’s complex. Some encrypted files we can kinda tell what they are based on their appearance in certain “Tables” or their file types- but most of the ones in the new build are encrypted to where we don’t know if they’re sounds, textures, spell effects, or what.

Some things are 1 file = 1 thing, like… mp3s or sound effects, for instance. I’ve seen the Nightborne arcane tattoos (not relevant to 9.2.5) that are just 1 file per tattoo. But armor textures can be like, 4 files per area (ie, ArmUpper, ArmLower, etc). The encrypted armor set is like, 40-50 files iirc.

So yeah, I’d say the number of files doesn’t tell us much, unfortunately, especially without knowing what type of file it is.

I didn’t post this, because I don’t really think it’s related and there’s not much to glean from it, but there’s exactly 1 file that slipped through and didnt get encrypted.
Edit: I think imgur may have messed up displaying this image because it’s transparent, but the image below shows it clearer.

And below is my photoshop to try and align the elements:

I don’t recognize the runes, but it could be a special effect, a spell visual, who knows.


Blizzard better not turn us into a Philosopher’s Stone…


Hm, looks interesting for sure! I would say the armor may eat up 50 files then but it’s not encrypted so… who knows. Maybe it’s an AR and armor eats up 50 but the other 150 are quests & new customization :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if new ARs would use old files of their parent race for some things or if it would all be new.

Given armor eats up like 50, though, and there’d still need to be quests/voicelines/more for an AR, I feel like it’d more likely be customization if anything. Unless we break it down and speculate, I guess… so…

50 files for heritage armor.

-10 hairstyles?
-10 skins? (or would they just use what’s already there? We don’t know…)
-25 voicelines? (I am soooo spitballing)
-5 faces
-5 ear options
-20 extra options (being generous)

We’d be at 125 so far… then let’s say, I dunno…

-6 for racials? (3 spells + 3 icons)
-25 for quests?
-2 racial mount - mount & icon?

I feel like that all sort of fits I guess but is spitballing & pushing it because we simply don’t know.

I guess an AR could fit in there, but like… who knows? Lol I have no idea :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus… ‘starting zone’ as small as it’d be cause AR… like Telogrus rift (sorry for misspell) for VEs, idk how many files that would be but prolly a lot… unless they just… don’t get one :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus the music, unless they use music already in game (AKA the new music that was an easter egg but could also be for an AR some say).

In other words, I have no idea how any of this works but woo speculation, lol.

You can definitely tell I have no idea how any of this works.


Hun, it’s fine if you don’t want them but what do you expect anyone here to say to this?

Aside from it being a mighty assumption that killing one or two off means never ever could they be playable despite blizzard having it worded in the questline that this one San’layn is working alone.

Aside from the San’layn already having had members work with the Horde, some of which survived.

But in what way, at all, does people continuing to request what they want to see somehow worth your time to poop on it?

Do what you and so many others should have long ago.

Mute the thread and move on.


Quick tinfoil hat time

(no I don’t believe a word but this would be a cool reality)

Blizzard is understanding that people might be sad that the new transform race is locked to a singular class.

Well, Darkfallen will be added as another transform race and have the option of multiple classes.

Into what, might you ask?!

Bat monsters!

A never before seen aspect of the vampyr curse that has advanced. Never fear, though, because Dark Rangers will have banshee forms.

In game models will be used for both of these! Felbat or Stoneborne for the vampyr, the various banshee models for the banshees.


I’ve cracked the code 100%. No need to thank me.


I also said in my quote unless there is a lore limit. So quoting a media where there is a lore limit is silly. wow has no known lore limit.

Depends on the setting and area and if people even WANT to take you out. Like if they went to a warlock or outlaw hub of some kind anti vampire folks aren’t going to get to them easily.

You could argue that about all undead. The populations are high enough that I am sure vampire numbers can amass quite high without alarming anyone. The only reason they were discovered in BFA wasn’t because they turned to many people but they came out of fighting to attack the alliance.

Are always exactly what blizzard needs them to be.

Population is a poor argument in any case in wow.